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The Transition Between Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding

The Transition Between Breastfeeding and Complementary FeedingThe introduction of complementary feeding is the period in which the infant leaves the exclusive breastfeeding nutrition, to introduce new foods into your diet.

The start of complementary feeding, that is, the introduction of various milk in the diet of baby food should begin at six months, and gradually made until 18-24 months, with continued breastfeeding on demand.

Bear in mind that in the transition of food

- Increased vulnerability to malnutrition in the infant, being a decisive stage in their food. For this reason, it should be done at the time and with appropriate frequency, to be always recommended by your pediatrician.

Is important, also the quantity and quality of the feed. These should be introduced gradually, to avoid intolerance. Moreover, in the preparation of food should exercise extreme hygiene and safely prepared, i.e., minimizing the risk of contamination by pathogenic microorganisms

- WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that infants start receiving food from six months, and performed with a frequency of two or three times a day during the first two months. Then, at a frequency of three to four times daily. Thus, the quantity of food increases as the child grows. Moreover, breastfeeding should be done to demand the infant.

- There is a concept called active power, which aims to respond to the needs of the child, that is, encourage the child and respond to the signals of hunger and satisfaction that it manifests. This process must be done slowly, encouraging children to eat, but not forced. Also, if the child refuses food, it is important to try different combinations and textures, and remember that for the child the act of eating is a period of learning and affection.

Recommendations for the introduction of foods in infants

- The introduction in the diet of new foods should be progressive. That is, you should start with the easiest to digest and tolerate food and build up gradually. It is important to respect an interval of between 10 and 15 days after each change in diet or introducing a new food.

- Cereals without gluten and some fruits such as apples or pears will be the first food for infants. That is, the ideal age is the beginning at six months. Importantly, tolerance and pay attention.

- The vegetables and white meat (chicken) will continue with this process.

- Later, around seven months, it will proceed to introduce cereals with gluten and other meats, such as lamb. Subsequently, after the grace period, the beef will be introduced.

- By 10 months, the cooked egg yolk, legumes and fish.

- Finally, we wait a year for the egg.

- Food should be given pureed or crushed, and gradually increase its consistency in terms of tolerance and infant demand. Teats can be counterproductive to continue breastfeeding; always consult your pediatrician.

- This process continues until 18-24 months of age, with a gradual process of adaptation and introduction of new foods, forming a complete and varied food for the future.

Take time to read and learn

Now, you start a stage with your child that will last until independent. In it, you have the opportunity and responsibility to transmit the values of a healthy Mediterranean diet. What you will learn how to incorporate their habits for the rest of his life. To help with this task, we suggest you download and read the Guide for Children's Food, a manual to help adults to teach healthy eating habits to their children. You can relieve the water guide free here.

Do not forget…

Observe your baby. Note that is undergoing many changes and discovering new flavors, textures and sensations. He or she will tell you one way or another how is accepting each new process. Remember it's a way that you will do together, and the connection between them will be the engine that will drive a balanced diet.
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