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Best Vegetable Purees for Babies

It is beneficial to prepare homemade mashed vegetables because they are more reliable than the food prepared and are cheaper; also they provide important nutrients to the baby's growth.

What pureed vegetables are healthier for my baby?

We propose some of the healthiest vegetable purees for your baby:

the-best-of-vegetable purees


This puree is ideal from five months.


- 1 small zucchini
- 1 medium potato
- Water


Preparation method

Take two cups of these vegetables peeled and cut into chunks. Then you make them steamed until tender and crushes with a mixer. To have the right consistency, you have to add some water to reach this state.

Pureed chicken, rice and vegetables

This puree is suitable for babies from six months.


- 1 chicken breast
- 3 carrots
- 120 grams of beans
- 1/4 cup rice
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Peel and chop the vegetables and pour salt in boiling water cook until tender. Reserve the vegetables and add the rice until cooked. On the other hand, make steamed skinless breast fat, until the meat is done. Put all the ingredients and pass them through the blender until a creamy mashed and added to the end extra virgin olive oil.

Carrot puree AND CHICKEN

This puree is suitable from six months


- 1 chicken breast about 250 grams
- 1 potato
- 2 carrots
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Peel and dice the carrots and potatoes, place them in a pan of boiling water and cook until tender. Meanwhile, cook the chicken breast without skin or fat steamed until it is done.

When the breast has cooled, with shredded vegetables, adding cooking water if necessary and pass through the blender until a creamy mashed vegetables. You can then add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.


This puree is ideal from six months


- 1 cup lentils
- 1/2 cup brown rice
- 2 carrots
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Cook the lentils with the carrot by placing a pan of water. When carrying about 45 minutes cooking, add more water, because the rice needs more of this liquid element and takes longer to cook than traditional rice.

When the lentils boil, add the rice until cooked rice both as lentils. Let cool a bit and when you've done pass it through the blender until a creamy puree. Finally add three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.


This puree is ideal from eight months


- 1 medium potato
- 1/2 cup peas
- 1/2 cup of broccoli
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Water


Preparation method

Shredded broccoli into smaller flowers and peel and chop the potatoes into cubes. Cook all ingredients in boiling water until tender, and forms a creamy vegetable puree in a blender. It may be possible that you have need to add some cooking water to not so thick, and, finally, add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
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