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Baby Solid Foods by Age 4 to 6 Months

Signs that are ready to eat solid foods

Around 6 months, you will probably begin to notice signs that your baby is ready to start eating solid foods. Here is a list of signals that you must be careful. However, keep in mind that it is likely that your baby does not do all these things:
  • You can hold your head up alone.
  • You can sit well in his high chair to eat.
  • It is able to make chewing motions
  • It shows a significant weight gain (it has doubled the weight he had at birth).
  • Shows interest in food.
  • You can close your mouth when you introduce a spoon in his mouth.
  • You can move the tongue from side to side but is losing the extrusion reflex of the tongue, that is, the reflection of pushing his tongue out of his mouth all that is solid.
  • It seems that your baby is still hungry even when you feed daily between 6-8 times with breast milk or about 40 ounces of formula (1118 ml).

They are teething.

Keep in mind that one of the causes of childhood obesity, which is common among Latino children, is stop breastfeeding too soon and introduce solid foods before 6 months. Therefore, before introducing them to the diet of your baby, check with the doctor and make sure your baby shows more of the above signals.

Foods you can give

Breast milk or formula. In addition to:
  • Porridge or pureed foods as sweet potatoes (sweet potato), pumpkin, apple, banana, peach (peach) and pear. Or, semi iron-fortified cereal.

How much to eat per day

- To begin, give about a teaspoon of porridge or cereal. Mix 4-5 teaspoons of breast milk or formula with cereal (the consistency is very liquid).
- Increases and starts to give a large spoonful of porridge or cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, twice a day. If you give cereal, you can go gradually thicken consistency (what you can achieve if you add less liquid), but try to be easy to swallow.

Other tips 
- If by giving your baby cereal for the first time, does not accept it, wait a few days before offering it again.
- Read more tips here on how to introduce solid foods.
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