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Problems with Food in Children One Year

Typically, the first few times the child eats just put it all lost and costing accept new foods, such as vegetables feared.

With love, respect and a little patience, we can teach them to eat everything.

At age one; children begin to supplement milk with other foods that are not always to their liking. In many families, with the introduction of solid food when it becomes a daily struggle.

So that the change is not so hard, we can use tricks like solid foods cut into small pieces, and let the vegetables dose take some food with your hands. These are some of the main problems with some parents.

1. Just want to paste

It is healthy and nutritious, but cannot live alone based on pasta, especially if accompanied with any other food.

It can be a healthy and balanced if taken with tomato dish that vegetable sympathetic not really know if fruit or vegetable, so worth the two. It can also be combined with minced meat.


2. Only eat ground and jars

If the child gets to mourn inconsolably when you have a meal before unground, e.g. macaroni, or a few peas or chicken cut into small pieces can be ground as smoothly. Just take a few minutes to prepare it and the food you feed alike.
But if you put the entire meal and just not eat (but not complaining), then it is not hungry period. It is advisable to crush them food to force them to eat when they have no appetite.

3. Do not accept any type of vegetable

The vegetable is one of the new foods least successful among our children. It is mostly water and very little food. Children have small stomachs, and if you fill in vegetables, then could not eat anything. So yes foods like almost all are the 'fat', those calories in a small volume: pasta, rice, bread, biscuits, milk, custard, chocolate or chips. The poor calorie foods (fruit, soup or vegetables) tend to have very little success.
Some children eat now and then a piece of lettuce, a slice of cucumber or tomato sauce macaroni. These amounts are taking a child this age when it supports vegetables. Peas, as they have more calories, more accepting (i.e., five or six units).


4. Refuse to try new foods

Most children at this age do not want to try new foods. It is a completely normal behavior, and so widespread that doctor’s call 'neophobia': I hate the new. Sooner or later, the children are eating what they see their parents eating (and friends). Some do it sooner and some later.


5. It takes a thousand years to finish the dish

To find out if the child eats slowly or really is over, we must remove the plate and ask if you are finished. If indeed you are going to play happier than a lark, he is already finished. If, by contrast, it makes us understand that is not yet full, we leave near the plate and continue after half an hour. At the end of the day, if it is he who eats slowly because he wants and likes, what harm?


6. When eating alone puts it all lost

Nobody is born and taught the first times that a child eats alone, it is normal to put it all lost. It is worrying, just let him put lost and eat at ease. When finished, and clean up the soil, the child or both.

7. It will serve two years and leaves the bottle

Many nutrition experts recommend that, at a year, children stop using a bottle to take less milk. It is not always easy:
  • If we put the small glass of milk in front and begins to mourn or refuses to eat, it is preferable to continue to take the bottle to stay hungry. Sooner or later, all children leave the bottle, and each has its own rhythm.
  • However, if the child looks odd glass of milk and drink a little, even just a sip, and have achieved our goal. Gradually, the small will get used to drink by the glass and start to supplement milk with other foods.

Any solid food that can come chopped or cut into appropriately sized pieces serve: fried potatoes, peas, chickpeas, potato salad, meat, fruit or macaroni.

8. My 18 month old son eats very little

Every child needs a different amount. And it is very risky to set a figure because eating more than necessary is almost as dangerous as eating less. You have to eat the right amount. Fortunately, children do not know. Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is best to let them eat what they want.

If the child loses weight, we must take him to the doctor because it could be sick. If your weight is normal, you have eaten normally. Although for many mothers, children always eat 'very little', the fact is that the daily amount required is much lower than we imagine.
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