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Babies Want to Eat Like Their Parents

Babies want to eat like their parents

When the time comes the introduction of solids, many parents do not know what food to give their children: we started with fruit? Porridge or solid?

After six months, when we want our baby begins with the introduction of solid and go left chest, is very difficult to accept slurry of fruit instead of breast milk, which feeds more.

Why does not fruit?

The fruit has no protein, no fat or calcium, or nearly vitamins (A and C only), and only provides 50 calories. Instead, milk provides protein, fat, calcium, all known vitamins and about 80 calories per 100 grams (over time, breast milk is increasingly calories).

What should eat babies

Babies eat when they see their parents often take pieces of food with their hands, suck and gnaw? But they must take the breast, which is what feeds them. Losing takes to eat a fruit or vegetable is to put your little weight loss regimen.

Even assuming that the fruit would feed, babies hardly going to want a mixture of crushed fruits and cereals and less hot, as some parents. They want to eat like their parents, because they see them and because they are accustomed to family food, since the flavor of what your mother eats goes into the milk.
What dishes you can prepare a baby

Your child wants to eat the same as Mom and Dad with tomato rice, lentils, chicken, hamburger, bananas, chickpeas, noodles (best without broth, so do not fill the stomach liquid), bread or whatever you eat that day. And I'd rather grab a piece with his fingers, put in their mouths by him, explore and enjoy.
When is the right time

The introduction of solids can occur at six months or later: many babies do not want anything more than the chest to ten months or more. Not to worry, they eat according to your needs.
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