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How to Thicken Homemade Baby Food Purees

How to Thicken Homemade Baby Food Purees
How to Naturally Thicken Homemade Baby Food Purees – Easily Make Thin Baby Food Purees Thick

Many parents find that sometimes, the fresh baby food purees they have made are a bit too runny and thin. There are also instances when thawed baby food cubes will be more thin and runny than when they went into the freezer.

You may even find your baby has decided it’s time for more texture and you want to use up the thinner “stage 1” baby food purees what you already have. Thickening up baby food purees is easy and simple and there are a variety of foods that you can use. Whether you do it before or after freezing is simply a personal decision.

There is no “correct” way to thicken up thin or runny baby food purees. I have found that thickening AFTER the baby food puree cubes have been thawed often works out best. 6 times out of 10, thawed baby food purees will be more runny than the foods was before it went into the freezer.

As noted on our page about thinning homemade baby food purees, it often happens that when you have put a nice puree of zucchini or pears into the freezer, the thawed food is more runny and thin than when it was freshly made and then frozen. Freezing changes the cellular structure of many foods and thus many foods that are frozen to perfection wind up a different texture when they are thawed.

Homemade Baby Foods that may become runny or thin

The most common fruits and veggies that may become too thin are as follows:
  • Blueberries
  • Mango
  • Melons – Cantaloupe, Honey Dew etc.
  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Summer (Yellow) squash
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant

What to use to Thicken Up Thin, Runny or Watery Baby Food Purees

Try adding a few of these items to thicken up those baby food that you find are too runny:
  • yogurt
  • banana
  • cottage cheese
  • egg yolks (cooked – hard boiled or even scrambled)
  • wheat germ
  • tofu
  • baby cereal – either homemade or commercial(keep a box of commercial baby cereal on hand for thickening purees or teething biscuits.)
  • lentils or legumes such as split peas, or navy beans – cooked and pureedsweet potatowhite potato

Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.

Avocado Puree for Babies

Avocados are rich in cerebrum boosting omega-3s and have a mellow flavor and smooth composition that numerous children love. Take after our simple regulated directions to make this perfect first nourishment for your child.

Step 1: Select and Buy an Avocado

Omega-3-rich avocados are an extraordinary first prologue to strong nourishments. Avocados have a rich, smooth composition that is simple for infants to squash between their gums, their flavor is exceptionally mellow, and they don't have a slender, consumable skin that could make babies gag. Pediatricians by and large suggest green veggies before the sweeter yellow veggies - the hypothesis is that if babies have the sweet stuff first they won't take the less sweet create by any means - yet avocado passes green veggie guidelines regardless of the possibility that it is in fact an organic product. Local avocados are getting it done in June, yet foreign avocados are sold in markets consistently. Search for organic product with a firm composition that gives somewhat when you crush it; the shading can fluctuate from green to dim purple and isn't the best marker of readiness. Hard avocados are underripe and will get to be grainy when pureed; squishy avocados are past their prime. (To age an avocado, place it in a cool spot out of direct daylight for a few days.) One avocado blended with equation or breastmilk yields 6 to 8 ounces of puree.

Step 2: Wash, Pit and Slice the Avocado

Cut avocado down the center, the long way, working around the pit. Curve every 50% of the avocado until it pulls separated. Utilize a spoon to pry out the pit, or stick the cutting edge of a sharp blade into the pit and curve until the pit pops out. Cut cuts longwise in the avocado simply down to the skin and after that peel the skin back. On the other hand, scoop the tissue out of the avocado with a spoon.

Step 3: Puree or Mash the Avocado

Puree in a nourishment processor or blender until smooth. Add water as expected to achieve fancied consistency. For additional smoothness, puree the avocado with breastmilk or recipe rather than water.

For chunkier avocado, which is perfect for infants 10 months or more seasoned, pound it with a fork as opposed to pureeing it.

Step 4: Serve Avocado Puree

Avocado is a great infant most loved alone, or joined with sweet banana puree for a feathery puree that packs an intense punch of omega-3-rich and potassium. Attempt to utilize the greater part of the puree without a moment's delay subsequent to avocadoes don't refrigerate or solidify exceptionally well. On the off chance that you should refrigerate remains, seal them in an impermeable compartment.

Note: Always check with your pediatrician before acquainting your infant with another nourishment, especially if your child has sustenance sensitivities. Also, a few pediatricians don't prescribe making your own particular carrot, beet, or spinach puree on the grounds that these crisp veggies can be higher in nitrates.

Recipes With Baby Cereals

Recipes with baby cereals

When you start giving your baby cereal note these recipes. They are very healthy and your child will love.

Rice porridge and milk


Rice porridge and milk

For babies from 5 months.


- Half cup of rice, 1 cup milk baby

How is it done

To prepare this recipe just you have to boil half a cup of rice (contains gluten) in water and then drain and put it in the bowl of a blender with a glass of milk to take your son. Crushed well to obtain a slurry.

Cream corn


Cream corn


For babies from 5 months.

- One-half cup of corn flour, a glass of milk child.

How is it done

To prepare this delicious recipe you just have to dissolve one-half cup corn flour (contains gluten) in a little milk usually take the child.

Besides, put a half cup of warm milk in a saucepan over medium heat and when it begins to boil incorporates the mix. You must stir constantly to prevent lumps. When you see the texture is thick and smooth, remove from heat.

Mashed macaroni


Mashed macaroni

For babies from 7 months.


Pure vegetable meat without potatoes and a handful of macaroni.

How is it done

Puree vegetables with beef without putting potato. Throw in a handful of macaroni (they are wheat, which contains gluten) and finely ground all in a blender.

Smoothie and cereals


Smoothie and cereals

For babies from 6 months.


1/4 banana, 1/4 apple, 1 orange juice, cereal scoops to taste, optional milk.

How is it done

Thrown into the bowl of the mixer 1/4 banana, 1/4 apple and an orange juice. Shreds everything and adds a scoops of ground cereals until light texture. If you see that it has become a little thick, add a little milk (which usually take your baby).

Semolina pudding and strawberries


Semolina pudding and strawberries

For children from 18 months.


Half a cup of grits (which is what is known as couscous), three or four strawberries and one tablespoon of olive oil.

How is it done

Boil the semolina in half a glass of water for three minutes, remove from heat, cover and let stand five minutes. Add the strawberries thoroughly washed and oil and crushed everything in a blender.

Recipes for Healthier Babies

From our blog we will propose babies healthier recipes for the babies to prepare you for yourselves.

The homemade baby food recipes are simple and very rewarding to perform; as well as providing great benefits for your baby, because you know exactly what the little one is eating, because it is healthy and prepared with fresh ingredients, unlike the ingredients in the meal.

You have the advantage of being able to adapt the baby food to their needs and preferences; besides being much cheaper than prepared foods and most importantly they are very satisfactory for both mother and child.

5 Healthy Recipes for your baby

Recipe vegetable puree for babies

This puree is suitable for babies from six months, where you can enter the flesh. To prepare this recipe you will need: 


- 2 carrots
- 2 large potatoes
- 1 leek
- 150 grams of peas
- 150 grams of green beans
- 1 chicken breast
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Wash all vegetables and cut into pieces not too small, and degreased and skinned if any, of the chicken breast; Pour all the vegetables in the pot with water, more or less to cover it, and set it to boil.

Moreover cooking the chicken breast steamed or baked and when cooked, Reserve it; when vegetables are cooked, let cool slightly and pass, along with shredded chicken breast in a blender or potato masher, adding 3 or 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and stir all ingredients.

Recipe pureed fruit with yogurt

Suitable for babies aged eight months, you will need:


- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 Golden apple
- 1/2 orange
- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt

Preparation method

Pour into the bowl of the mixer all the ingredients, along with the squeezed orange half, beat all ingredients and served in the bowl, ready to eat.

Recipe chip banana yogurt

It is ideal for older babies and snack need: 


- 1 Natural yogurt
- 1 / banana
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar -optional-

Preparation method

On a plate mince half a banana into small pieces and pour into a natural yogurt; if you see that the baby finds it very acidic, add a teaspoonful brown sugar, but avoid it whenever you can

Recipe peas with baby carrots

For older babies, who are already able to start eating this dish is very healthy. And it is loaded with many vitamins. To prepare, you need:


- 1/2 cup peas
- 1/2 cup baby carrots
- Water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 dash of extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Put water to boil with a pinch of salt and pour the peas and carrots until tender; drain well water, and pour over the vegetables a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. You can cut the carrots into small pieces.

Recipe Hake with peas and potatoes

You can prepare this dish as is, for older babies who are eating alone or when cooking can pass through the blender, if you prefer eating small pureed; but you need to accustom to go biting, so it is only proper to crush with a fork, to become accustomed to other textures on the plate and find a piece that is able to feed himself. 

You will need: 


- 100 grams of hake loin
- 1/2 cup cooked peas
- 1 large potato
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 1 clove garlic
- Chopped parsley
- Water
- 1 pinch of salt

Preparation method

In a pan pour 1 to 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and add finely chopped garlic to browned; then adds the not very small peeled and chopped potatoes, to be sauté and garlic, then pour the water until the cover and let it cook.

When the potatoes are to be axes, add a pinch of salt, peas, Hake, being careful not have thorns and chopped parsley, and let it finish cooking. Let cool and serve.

10 Nutritious Purees for Babies

In the past, rice cereal is what most parents chose for the first baby food because it is considered hypoallergenic, however, many pediatricians acknowledge that nutrient-rich foods, such as potatoes, avocado or banana, are excellent choices of food to give first.


The avocado is an excellent food because it is full of healthy fatty acids and essential nutrients. It is a creamy and smooth so food is digested and well tolerated by most infants.


The banana has properties that help develop the mucous layer of the stomach and aid in digestion; also they possess a sweet taste that many children readily accept.


The potatoes have vitamin A, beta carotene and potassium among others, and babies love their soft and smooth texture.


Pears are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid, and mix well with other fruits.


It is rich in vitamin A, folic acid and calcium; it is easy to mash and you can do with such a thick or thin as you like texture.


Applesauce puree is another easy, even for the whole family; it is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid, and potassium and calcium.

Green peas

Peas are perfect vegetables for baby. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium and protein.

Green beans

They are full of calcium, vitamin K and vitamin C; they are also a great source of vitamin A and manganese. The amount of nutrients it has preventable conditions such as asthma, acne, ear infections; as well as flu and colds.


Broccoli and cauliflower are recommended for older babies, usually 8-10 months, as they can cause gas and are harder to digest for small stomachs; they are nutritionally a great option and are high in vitamin C.


Peaches are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber; if the baby has problems with constipation, peaches are an effective natural laxative.

Best Vegetable Purees for Babies

It is beneficial to prepare homemade mashed vegetables because they are more reliable than the food prepared and are cheaper; also they provide important nutrients to the baby's growth.

What pureed vegetables are healthier for my baby?

We propose some of the healthiest vegetable purees for your baby:

the-best-of-vegetable purees


This puree is ideal from five months.


- 1 small zucchini
- 1 medium potato
- Water


Preparation method

Take two cups of these vegetables peeled and cut into chunks. Then you make them steamed until tender and crushes with a mixer. To have the right consistency, you have to add some water to reach this state.

Pureed chicken, rice and vegetables

This puree is suitable for babies from six months.


- 1 chicken breast
- 3 carrots
- 120 grams of beans
- 1/4 cup rice
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Peel and chop the vegetables and pour salt in boiling water cook until tender. Reserve the vegetables and add the rice until cooked. On the other hand, make steamed skinless breast fat, until the meat is done. Put all the ingredients and pass them through the blender until a creamy mashed and added to the end extra virgin olive oil.

Carrot puree AND CHICKEN

This puree is suitable from six months


- 1 chicken breast about 250 grams
- 1 potato
- 2 carrots
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Peel and dice the carrots and potatoes, place them in a pan of boiling water and cook until tender. Meanwhile, cook the chicken breast without skin or fat steamed until it is done.

When the breast has cooled, with shredded vegetables, adding cooking water if necessary and pass through the blender until a creamy mashed vegetables. You can then add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.


This puree is ideal from six months


- 1 cup lentils
- 1/2 cup brown rice
- 2 carrots
- Water
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Cook the lentils with the carrot by placing a pan of water. When carrying about 45 minutes cooking, add more water, because the rice needs more of this liquid element and takes longer to cook than traditional rice.

When the lentils boil, add the rice until cooked rice both as lentils. Let cool a bit and when you've done pass it through the blender until a creamy puree. Finally add three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.


This puree is ideal from eight months


- 1 medium potato
- 1/2 cup peas
- 1/2 cup of broccoli
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Water


Preparation method

Shredded broccoli into smaller flowers and peel and chop the potatoes into cubes. Cook all ingredients in boiling water until tender, and forms a creamy vegetable puree in a blender. It may be possible that you have need to add some cooking water to not so thick, and, finally, add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.


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