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The 10 Best Foods to Start with Solid Food

From 6 to 8 months of age your baby can start eating foods or creamy mashed fine to start their solid diet gradually and for the period between 8 and 10 months can start small pieces added to food to finish the transition to solid food per year of age. Anyway, you're the only one who can decide when to start the transition, because breast feeding can be extended for longer and baby offering unique benefits.

It is where; you know what the top 10 foods are:

1. Squash

Also called squash and pumpkin is rich in vitamins A and C and is a favorite for moms to start the transition to solid food meal, can be served with parmesan cheese baked way porridge or thick creams with splash of milk, sweet flavor and creamy texture is welcomed by small family.

2. Lentils

These are rich in protein and iron, can be served cooked and mixed with vegetables or rice and mushy.

3. Tangerines

Source of vitamin C, is an ideal food for your baby because you can peel, separate their wedges and remove the seeds for your baby to take with your hands and eat slowly to cool off on hot days. Another refreshing for hot days and cool gums when teething fruit milk is the pin, cut the seeded cubes for your baby to take them with her hands.

4. Chickpeas

These grains rich in fiber and protein for its mild flavor can be prepared in different ways, porridge or puree with a drizzle of olive oil and sesame butter, or mixed with diced boiled pumpkin to eat with their own little hands.

5. Leafy greens

Some of them are Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, watercress and spinach, can serve them sauteed with butter, mixed with vegetables or gratin, their contributions to iron the body of your little will be very beneficial.

6. Broccoli

Known for children as "green trees" is one of the most calcium-rich foods and fiber that can give your baby to transition to solid food, serve them boiled and drizzled with a little olive oil to your baby begins to enjoy them.

7. Prunes

Another ally rich in fiber will help your baby to prevent ailments such as constipation and pain at not being able to do their basic needs, can serve them soaked and mixed with other fruits to enjoy their soft textures.

8. Beef

Some mother’s think that is a very heavy for her small stomach food, but actually is rich in iron and zing, and can be eaten from 7 months ground or in stews accompanied by other vegetables.

9. Blueberries

They capture the attention of babies immediately by its blue color, are very beneficial for the eyes wild fruits, urinary tract, brain. 1 cup serving cold after cooking these with 1 cup of water in the microwave.

10. Avocado

Rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fats or similar to those found in breast milk fats are good fats, can give your baby avocado puree, leaving small pieces to feel its texture and served with bread in their lunches.

Some mothers wonder what foods are best suited for this transition in the stomach gets used to his little more than liquid, because the best way to select is on the premise of offering variety of flavors for your baby to get used to them from an early age and get the nutrients needed for proper growth and nutrition.

These mentioned foods can serve as a guide to start, but the idea is to wait three days to introduce new food in your diet and so sure you have no allergic reactions, the options are numerous and you can go testing them one by one.
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