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The Best Food for a Baby up to 1 Year

The Best Food for a Baby up to 1 Year

The best food for a baby up to 1 year

Today the best food for a baby up to 1 year are those that contain all the vitamins and nutrients for proper growth and good development.

When a baby begins to take its first food for them, it is recommended that the breasts have a slight notion that you can give the baby as first foods.

When you go to give food to a baby for the first time, the process should be gradual. Bear in mind that you cannot suddenly give you a plate full of vegetables because they do not know how it will assimilate, however, it can give you some vegetables to go for testing. You should try to give a little of each major group: milk proteins, grains and vegetables.

The ideal is that whenever you go to eat small, will begin offering a little milk and some pieces of vegetables.

If you want the child used to the flavors before you start giving raw vegetables, you can make fruit and vegetable juices handing them to go.

What is the correct way to give your child fruit and vegetables?

So the child can eat properly fruit and vegetables you give, it must be cut into bite. Snacks should be sized small so that it can put them in their mouth once mouth.
Other snacks you can give your baby are grains that have round shapes, one cooked pasta, egg chunks or slices of bread.

Combine and change

Children tend to get bored when they are eating every day if we give the same, even if they have less than a year. To avoid this, you should keep in mind; you should give your child food those appeals to you at all times.

The best foods for babies are those that are more attractive and fun are those that are brightly colored or are very crisp.

Be creative and combine the best food for a baby up to 1 year, you will see how enjoy and be a real pleasure to watch him eat.
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