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The Homemade Food is Still Better Than the Industrial Baby Food

Infant feeding in the first few years, as we have said once, is very important for the proper development of babies and children and serves to lay the groundwork for future health.

That's why it's always recommended that infants receive the most natural foods possible. This recommendation includes making homemade dishes, fresh ingredients controlling us to maintain most of its properties.

Thus industrial jars are (or should be) relegated to the point when there is no time or opportunity to offer a meal made at home. But when in a recent study it concludes that it cannot ensure adequate nutrition in children who regularly consume industrial jars.

The study was carried out in the CAP Amadeu Torner of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. To carry out standard elaborated homemade purees (which usually recommend pediatricians) and a nutritional analysis was performed of these purees and other commercial purees three different brands that can easily be found in any grocery trade.

Why is it better home cooking

Energy values each contribute the content and quality of carbohydrates, content and characteristics of lipid and protein content were compared and the following data were extracted:
  • They saw that if homemade fruit purees are replaced by fruit jars calorie content significantly increased (35% more calories), which can cause loss of appetite for the next meal.
  • Usually eat vegetables with meat or fish industry makes far fewer calories are ingested with homemade porridge (no less than 40% less energy).
  • Baby food has less fat than homemade porridge, something like 50% less. However, the percentage of saturated fat, which is more atherogenic load (ability to generate plaques in the arteries), is 50-60% greater.

If a child eats only industrial jars 

Should a child being offered a meal only industrial preparations, most of the energy would be given by dessert. If a regular feeding baby food continues, children receive a contribution of carbohydrates lower than recommended long chain (which provide the "main course") and an excess of simple carbohydrates (which are provided with dessert).

The simple carbohydrates, for which not know them, are the ones who are digested faster, passing into the bloodstream within minutes. This makes the body must secrete more insulin than usual to move the excess glucose from the blood into the cells to produce energy is glucose.

By the time a baby (or a person) takes too many simple carbohydrates the cells are unable to continue transforming glucose into energy and these carbohydrates are converted into fat, which can increase blood triglycerides or cause cardiac complications.


Once again the shortcomings of industrial baby food jars and the need for manufacturers to work on getting more nutritious and balanced food for our children are looming.

We agree that today there is little time for cooking up for oneself and many parents turn to these preparations, but we try to offer our children a meal as healthy as possible as they are at a delicate time of growth and maturation of all its systems. To us to provide a suitable fuel.
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