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How do I get my baby to bottle

How do I get my baby to bottle?

Many parents today are always wondering how do I get my baby to bottle. It's actually a question that has many answers but in this interesting article I'll give you the best answer. For this I want you to pay close attention and take note of all the recommendations which I will mention.

The bottle is critical for children over 7 months of age, because at that age may consume more milk. Therefore, it is it costs a lot to give the baby the bottle because he is used to suck the breast of the mother. So stop and useful to examine how I get my baby to bottle? Because here you will find the answer.

* Before you give the milk in the bottle to your baby is highly recommended that you stop playing for a moment the bottle. But always try to get a bottle of milk is given the father, so that avoid your little feel your closeness.

* A little baby when hungry begins to mourn and at the time is perfect to give you the bottle. When you give your baby a bottle when he is hungry he will not reject it, because it will be the only power source.

* Another way to give the bottle to a baby is when you have a full stomach, because then the baby will think it's a toy and try to experience it. Many young babies reject the bottle because they prefer breast milk mom.

* Do not force your toddler to grip the bottle or suck because he thinks that in some medicine. It is better to give them joy and you should always tell when they're given the bottle.

* Do not have your breasts discovered that the baby can see them and DISIDA reject the milk bottle. It is therefore recommended that in the early days of her dad a bottle and so avoid reject.

* When you give for the first time not fills the bottle with milk it is better than you give with boiled water. It will be easier to accept and drink it immediately.

* You can also give the bottle when your little child is sleeping in his crib or bed.

* It is always recommended that milk or water bottle is warm, not hot, and much warmer.

Give the baby bottle is crucial because it promotes the physical and psychological development in the best way. It is important to mention to you buy or use a bottle to suit the needs of your baby. It is also advised that you use a bottle that has a striking design and be cheerful color.
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