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Learn to feed your baby from 6 months

During the first six months of life, children should receive breast milk as the only food and all moms have enough to feed their young milk. If you feel you do not fill them, only they have to offer the breast more often: a greater suction increased production.

If breast milk with formula combines the mother gradually stop producing milk, because instead of the baby suckles the breast (and thus produce more milk) will suck from a bottle. In addition, children who take formula milk bottle can get to eat more food than they need and becoming overweight or obese.

Breast milk reduces risk of many diseases, such as obesity. To prevent it, the mother must also teach good eating habits for your baby, from six months of life, when you start to introduce other foods besides breast milk:

- Use natural foods. No industrialized. 
- Food should be prepared with extreme hygiene. 
- Enter one food at a time, giving small nibble for two or three days to know your tolerance. 
- Do not mix food because if one falls ill, you will not know what it was. 
- If there is a history of food allergies in parents or relatives it is convenient to citrus fruits, fish, eggs, whole milk and nuts after the first year of life. 
- No condiments or you add sugar or salt. The baby is so used to the natural flavor of food. 
- Offer him the semi-solid food and later breast milk first. 
- As the child grows offer him more food and gradually reduces the amount of breast milk. 
- Start with porridge; when the first teeth erupt, offer finely chopped and a year-old food into small pieces. 
- Form good habits and set fixed times for food consumption 
- At 12 months it must be integrated into the family diet. 
- Use appropriate tools, according to the size of the child. 
- Offer him or natural unsweetened fruit water. 
- Wash your hands and wash your child before feeding. 
- Give him a chance to start eating only from 9 months. 
- Favors the use of the cup or glass (best move from breast to cup and never use a bottle). 
- Avoid industrialized food. Instead give fruit, yogurt, gelatin, etc. 

With all these tips, we are sure that your baby will love their food and get used to it. And you, do you have a method to give the first foods to your baby?
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