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Is organic food better for your baby?

Organic food is produced without conventional pesticides, no chemical fertilizers and no growth hormones. Feeding your child with organic baby food can limit your exposure to these substances. However, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND for its acronym in English), the organically produced food may not be healthier or safer than other foods. Residues of pesticides and fertilizers in organic and non-organic products do not exceed government safety thresholds.

The "natural" foods are those that are closer to its original state. They not yet added them artificial ingredients or preservatives. Examples include brown rice, almonds, and some sort of apple juice. The "natural" foods may or may not be organic.

The Department of Agriculture (USDA, its acronym in English) gives organic label to products containing different percentages of organic ingredients, but the USDA no represent or warrant that organic foods are safer or more nutritious than foods not organic.

Some parents prefer organic baby food as these defend the environment. Others believe that organic baby food simply tastes better. However, what is more important is a balanced diet. Provide your child with healthy meals from scratch, whether or not organic, establish lifelong healthy eating.

Tips for Buying and food safety:

- Buy vegetables and fruits in season to ensure better quality. For example, buy apples in the fall and berries and tomatoes in the summer. This contributes in saving fuel to transport vegetables and fruits from distant places.

- Read nutrition labels on products. Organic may mean healthy. Some organic foods are high in fat, sugar and salt.

"If you are concerned about pesticides, peel fruits and vegetables. Cut the outer leaves of leafy vegetables like lettuce and cabbage. But remember to peel fruits and vegetables are also reducing the nutritional value of food. Pesticides are sometimes found in the fatty parts of the food, remove the fat from meat and skin from fish and pork.

Parents need to give their babies healthy foods. If organic foods are available and can afford, buy and test. But do not let the organic food stamp the limit in buying healthy foods.
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