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Baby Food from 18 Months

Baby food from 18 months

Want to know what the best food for the baby are after 18 months. Babies from our blog we tell you all the details. When you offer a variety of healthy foods, you can help your child to develop a preference for foods rich in nutrients that will establish themselves in him as he grows into adulthood and reduce the risk of obesity throughout life.
Baby Food from 18 Months

Adequate food for 18 months

Around 18 months of age, the skills of self-feeding of children have improved and may be able to use your own spoon; it will be important to keep a regular schedule of meals.

Fruits and vegetables

Try to give your baby fruits and vegetables every day; Choose peaches, bananas, citrus, pears and apples from fruit and choose vegetables like carrots, peas, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, cut into small pieces that are easier to eat, and occasionally offer starts peeled nuts and very games with yogurt to prevent choking.


Your child needs two to three servings of dairy a day, like yogurt, milk, cheese and curd. Until it is two years old, whole milk is needed, because the fat and calories are important for brain development and growth. Although you can include in your diet drinks of plant origin, such as soy milk, rice or almond, which provide a good nutrient content.

Whole Grains

Your child needs whole grains every day, either breakfast or lunch, such as oats, rice or barley among others. At meals you can offer wheat pasta, like spaghetti or macaroni, which will bring a good dose of fiber.


You also need to provide two servings of protein a day, either chopped meat and poultry, eggs or fish without spines, which are good sources of protein.

If you want to know what is the basic food for young infants, we recommend you read our article "Food for babies from 7 months"

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