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How to Make Baby Food

Tips for preparing the first meal of baby

At 6 months old babies are already larger and begin to need more nutrients in addition to breast milk. Just at this age the baby can identify flavors, textures and temperatures. It is also here when your stomach, kidneys, intestines and other organs are prepared to digest and take the food.

The first thing you can offer your baby is typical of the island banana crushed. It has a nice flavor and texture and is easily digested. The first few days will try to finish large amounts of food, just get used to eat like the older, remember that they are accustomed to a liquid food.

The next thing to remember is that your meals have to be very thick, should not give soups or creamed vegetables, even if they contain liquefied meat or cereals. The consistency of the slurry must be to a puree otherwise take to accept the new food texture.

Do not blend and strain food, mash with a fork. Fraying or chop the meat into very small pieces.
Use for baby food, the same foods that used for the rest of the family, just separates them before enhances them. Do not add to meals babies’ salt. Their sodium requirements are already covered with milk and natural sodium from foods.

Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in the dish served raw baby. If you can use different types of oils (olive, sunflower, nuts) even better. Crude oil provides the extra energy it needs for its growth as well as for brain development.

Do not offer fried or jellies and other sweets. Try to avoid processed foods and foods that cause gas (cabbage, onions). Do not coffee, tea or soda. Also avoid the egg white until year of life, like fish.

Do not eat alone. Babies react better if they see that eating is a habit we all practice together.
Depending on the weather and physical activity a baby of seven months, it may take a 100-130 ml of water per day. Not much needs because breast milk still gives liquid. You should not take the liquid along with their food, as their tummy is still very small. You should allow about 2 hours between food and fluid or breast milk.


A: Squash, carrots, spinach, chard
B: potato, sweet potato, cassava, mica
C: Quinoa, wheat, pasta, rice, semolina, moron, corn, amaranth, corn starch, potato starch
D: Lentils, beans, peas, soybeans
E: Liver, chicken, beef, turkey, sangrecita, mondonguito

1) A + C + D + E
2) A + B + C + E

Add 1 teaspoon of oil to the dish served.
Milk used to make porridge.

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