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Baby Finger Foods

Finger food is not only fun for your baby, but also it is an important step towards independence, which also helps develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Playing with food, your baby will get dirty and stain everything that is around you, but do not wipe too soon: I let you enjoy this important practical learning experience.

When should I introduce foods that you can eat only with your hands?

When your baby is 8 to 9 months of age, you are probably ready to start feed himself. I will show you taking the spoon with which you are giving to eat or grabbing food off your plate.

At first, your baby will probably take the food with all the hand and take you to the mouth, but soon learn to use your thumb and index fingers to make the food. In this fine motor skill, which is an important stage of its development, it is called "pincer grasp".

How should I introduce foods that are eaten with the fingers?

Simply put four or five bits of food on the tray of his high chair or an unbreakable dish. You can add more as your baby will go eating.

Feed your toddler in a high chair and not in his baby seat for the car or in his stroller reduces the risk of choking and teach that the high chair is the place where you eat.

What foods are the best for my baby to feed herself?

It is possible that your baby has a good appetite, but probably does not have many teeth, so start with foods that can "chew" with gum or easily dissolve in your mouth. When little older, you can give pieces of whatever you're eating.

Remember that your baby is learning about the taste, texture, color and aroma of the food to eat alone, so try to offer a variety of foods. Resist the temptation to give your baby sweet foods like cookies and cake or high-fat snacks such as chips ("chips" or "chips"). Your baby needs foods that are nutrient dense. Avoid giving foods that have empty calories (i.e. foods high in calories but very poor in nutrients).

The food must be easy to handle, but not present a risk of suffocation. Vegetables should be cooked so that they are sufficiently soft and easy to eat. In addition everything should be cut into tiny pieces. Even a whole grape is great for your baby now and could present a choking hazard.

And be sure to choose appropriate food for their age. Experts used to recommend that you avoid certain foods give very young children, which could cause allergies. These include eggs, fish and products containing peanuts (or peanut) are included.

However, recent research from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP for its acronym in English), they found no evidence that the early introduction of these foods cause allergies in infants. (But keep in mind that you should not give peanut butter to your baby, because its sticky consistency can make it difficult for a baby to swallow without choking).

Despite the recommendation of the AAP, some doctors recommend to be careful when introducing solid foods to your baby. If you suspect baby may be allergic to certain foods, introduce one food at a time and let it take several days before introducing each new food. It is essential that you be expecting an allergic reaction.

Here's a list of favorite foods to take with your fingers:

·         - Toasted oat cereal O-shaped or other cereal that is low in sugar.
·         - Bits of lightly toasted bread (slathered with pureed vegetables to contain more vitamins).
·         - Bits of banana or other ripe peeled and pitted, like mango, plum, peach (peach), pear, watermelon or cantaloupe fruit.
·         - Cubes of tofu or bean curd (soybean).
·         - Bits of cooked spiral pasta.
·         - Very small pieces of soft pasteurized cheese.
·         - Chopped hard-boiled egg.
·         - Cooked and mashed prunes.
·         - Bits of cooked vegetables such as carrots, peas (peas), squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes (yams, sweet potatoes).
·         - "Trees" small, well cooked, broccoli or cauliflower.
·         - Pieces the size of a pea (pea) cooked chicken or some other meat cooked soft.

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