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The Best Yogurt for Your Baby

What kind of yogurt is best for my baby?

The best yogurt for your baby is the whole natural yogurt.

The recommendation of the experts is not to start with porridges, or "solid food", before 6 months. Yogurt is considered a food, not a drink, and you can give your baby 6 months onwards.

The Best Yogurt for Your Baby

Before recommending offer baby cereal as one of the first foods, but now the recommendation of experts in nutrition and pediatrics is that you can start with foods of any group. So if you want to start with yogurt, you can.

What I do remember is that you should never give your baby version skim or low-fat (low fat). The low-fat yogurt should not be used until after 2 years because infants and toddlers need fat there is in milk products. The fatty acids in milk and milk are important for the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby, so we should not limit them.

No need to buy yogurt made especially for babies, but you must opt for natural yogurt without fruit, made with whole milk. This is important because all commercial yogurts with fruits also contain sugar or sweeteners, which should be avoided in the feeding of infants and children to prevent overweight and obesity.

Fruit, either crushed or pureed, you must add the mom, but without any sweetener. Naturally sweetened yogurt with fresh fruit. It is very important that you not you add honey to yogurt or any other food of your baby until after their first birthday.

As for whether or not organic, it is a matter of personal taste. Organic yogurt was obtained from cows that have grown up in an organic environment, but while not containing additives, there is no significant nutritional difference between organic and non-organic yogurt. The whole plain yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium, and many varieties have vitamin D added.

As with all other foods, every time you enter a new ingredient in feeding your baby you should wait two or three days to see if an allergic reaction or intolerance. The reaction can range from a little redness around the lips inconsolable crying or even diarrhea.

If you notice any reaction on your baby, stops giving yogurt and tell the program pediatrician.
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