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Tips for Your Baby to Eat Well

Tips for your baby to eat well

Many people would cost God and help get your baby to eat well, either through lack of practice or because the child does not like the food in question. Therefore, you have to throw a lot of imagination and, above all, patience to get not only eats well and varied but dare with new flavors.

Getting your baby to eat well is not easy, mainly because just like adults might one day not hungry or do not like the food, but it can be achieved with a few simple tips:

1. If you want to try new tastes do not do when you are hungry as the news require patience and occasionally must leave that to give you anything you like, and if you are hungry the cure may be worse than the disease.

2. To the extent possible, share the same food. If you find that you're eating the same certainly be encouraged, young children love to imitate what their parents do.

3. You have to go slowly, unless you want to eat or not very hungry you do not make it all finished. The lunch has to be to enjoy and if you catch more passes bad eating mania.   

4. Do not camouflage food constantly. If it's OK to occasionally camouflage some vegetables without noticing, but not very often. You must learn to distinguish the flavors and if food is always hidden never know what things not really know what you really like.

5. Do you have a varied diet as soon as possible, be much easier to want to try new flavors and you can play with that variety to eat better, because you can always say that until a few days does not return to touch and will lose how rich he is.

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