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Tips for Introducing Meat Into the Baby's Diet

Traditionally, medical professionals have recommended the introduction of meat into the baby's diet from 7 months of age, being the chicken and turkey first and then red meat, but recent research has suggested that the meat must It is presented as one of the first complementary foods for baby from 6 months old.

The iron in breast milk is well absorbed by babies. However, when exclusively breastfed infants are introduced to solid foods, they begin to absorb less iron than milk, therefore, it is important to ensure that the solid food that is given to a baby is rich in iron, such as beef and lamb.

Inserting the meat baby food

A common concern about the introduction of meat into the baby's diet is that it can be harder to digest than most fruits and vegetables, but if cooked properly, then pureed vegetables with greatly improved digestibility.

When you enter the meat initially in the baby's diet, you may prefer to puree completely, because it is more digestible and minimizes choking hazard to young infants; recent research has shown that iron very finely ground meat is absorbed by the baby's body much more easily.

To grind the meat very thinly, let it cool completely and cut into small pieces and grind it in a blender in small amounts, with some cooking broth, which makes it easier to grind; you can even achieve a smoother result, adding a little potato and carrot to the meat and crush it all together.

Processed meat such as ham, sausages and salami are not suitable food for your baby, because they are high in salt, and also contain unwanted that can trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive baby additives.

How to develop a meat puree for baby

To develop a suitable meat puree for baby you can choose chicken or beef and add vegetables to give more consistency to their food and add nutrients to the developing baby.

You can add the following ingredients:

- 2 medium potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 cup of broccoli
- 250 grams of meat to choose
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation

Put a pot of water and pour all cleaned and chopped vegetables with the meat and cook, when the ingredients are cooked, crushed in a blender and add two tablespoons of olive oil vigen bonus. Place in individual portions when it has cooled down and freeze to have it available when you want.
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