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Baby Food According to Age

Baby Food According to Age Here are some recommendations for choosing baby food, depending on the stage passing through.


The child is a being who is in development and growth, the choice of food offered is determined by the body's ability to handle baby food, both at the hearing, and digestive.

In the newborn, the ability to manage oral food manifests search reflexes, sucking and swallowing. So food is offered during this period is basically settled.

Search these reflexes are present in the baby from birth and beginning to change over time with the growth and development of the baby, while skills that later will allow handle differently food is produced. 

Breastfeeding, as has always been said, is the food par excellence of this stage of growth. Breastfeeding can be offered through breast naturally or artificially with a bottle or bottle.
In the bottle, it forms a bed with the tongue and the upper gum and mouth itself, generating a suction mechanism that allows the milk off the bottle.

So the bottle and breast are not the same, either for the baby or adult. Because the child must develop a learning experience that allows the identification of those expressing different behaviors and attitudes towards food offered and adults to ignore the above, I interpret it as a rejection response by the baby.

Between 3 and 4 months begin to take the first changes. Their interaction with the environment, allows the attitude demonstrated to the food, begin to have variations, from a child "judicious" when eating to show interest to a lot of their environment, distracting.

At this time, he develops in the lips and tongue better control, allowing you to start playing with saliva and sometimes the food itself.

It is recommended to continue breastfeeding until the fifth month, basically to give the body time to complete a series of processes that will optimally manage the next stage which we call complementary feeding.

This period is determined by the changes the child to develop in oral skills, to help manage the complementary food properly. To realize the process that occurs, he has to learn to differentiate between spontaneous swallowing food, as we did during the intake of fluids (milk) and at that time you are offered, to be prepared in the mouth, swallowed properly.

When eaten, these actions are done spontaneously, almost without being aware of these, but a baby, the must develop those skills, and this takes time. To facilitate this process the first foods that will offer porridge, which are foods that have a semi-liquid preparation.
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