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The First Baby Cereals

When the stage of introducing new foods other than milk, cereals starts are among the first foods that come into the baby's diet. What and when.

From six months baby, milk is no longer sufficient to ensure proper growth of the child. Cereals are one of the foods that should be introduced first and are essential to the development of porridge for children. 

However, one must know what kind of cereal you can start and what should be introduced in a second stage, depending on whether they contain gluten or not. We give guidelines to introduce new cereals.

The First Baby Cereals




It provides more cereal starch and the more easily digestible form. You can offer the baby in the form of flour, meal, flakes or rice milk.

WHEN you enter? It can provide virtually from the start weaning at 4-6 months. It may be given to celiac children.


Corn is rich in carbohydrates, and contains potassium, beta carotene, and magnesium and B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Corn can give the child almost from the beginning of weaning, 4-6 months, in the form of flour and semolina. You can administer to celiac children.


A very small grain and soft grain and neutral taste, which makes it well accepted by children. It is one of the cereals that provide more iron and magnesium. It contains B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Millet is a fit for the first cereal baby food, because it contains no gluten.


Sorghum is very similar to corn, both in appearance and nutritional cereal. It contains vitamins E and B type, minerals such as phosphorus, iron and calcium, and fiber.

WHEN you enter?
It contains no gluten, so it can offer the child at the beginning of weaning.

Cereals containing gluten


Very protein: provides long lasting energy. Bran is rich in indigestible fiber, which prevents constipation. It is rich in minerals and vitamins of group B.

WHEN you enter? Wheat can give the child in the form of porridge flour, flakes, grits, biscuits or bread from six months.


It has a nutritional value and very similar to the chemical composition of wheat, and is very easy to digest. It is rich in vitamins PP, E and B (such as folic acid) group.

WHEN you enter? You can give the child from six months in the form of gruel, flakes, bread cereals, etc.


These cereal nutrients are easily assimilated by the body because it has not undergone many variations as wheat. Generates a reduced risk of allergies and has a high digestibility.

WHEN you enter? Spelt contains gluten, so its use is recommended after six months.


It is the most caloric and energetic cereal, so it is ideal for the cold months. It brings a lot of vitamin B and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and is rich in fiber.

WHEN you enter? Oats are a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.


Noted for its content in zinc and selenium, antioxidants, minerals, and are rich in fiber. Rye contains B vitamins, which help absorb carbohydrates and benefit the nervous system.

WHEN you enter? Rye is a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.
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