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The First Baby Cereals

When the stage of introducing new foods other than milk, cereals starts are among the first foods that come into the baby's diet. What and when.

From six months baby, milk is no longer sufficient to ensure proper growth of the child. Cereals are one of the foods that should be introduced first and are essential to the development of porridge for children. 

However, one must know what kind of cereal you can start and what should be introduced in a second stage, depending on whether they contain gluten or not. We give guidelines to introduce new cereals.

The First Baby Cereals




It provides more cereal starch and the more easily digestible form. You can offer the baby in the form of flour, meal, flakes or rice milk.

WHEN you enter? It can provide virtually from the start weaning at 4-6 months. It may be given to celiac children.


Corn is rich in carbohydrates, and contains potassium, beta carotene, and magnesium and B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Corn can give the child almost from the beginning of weaning, 4-6 months, in the form of flour and semolina. You can administer to celiac children.


A very small grain and soft grain and neutral taste, which makes it well accepted by children. It is one of the cereals that provide more iron and magnesium. It contains B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Millet is a fit for the first cereal baby food, because it contains no gluten.


Sorghum is very similar to corn, both in appearance and nutritional cereal. It contains vitamins E and B type, minerals such as phosphorus, iron and calcium, and fiber.

WHEN you enter?
It contains no gluten, so it can offer the child at the beginning of weaning.

Cereals containing gluten


Very protein: provides long lasting energy. Bran is rich in indigestible fiber, which prevents constipation. It is rich in minerals and vitamins of group B.

WHEN you enter? Wheat can give the child in the form of porridge flour, flakes, grits, biscuits or bread from six months.


It has a nutritional value and very similar to the chemical composition of wheat, and is very easy to digest. It is rich in vitamins PP, E and B (such as folic acid) group.

WHEN you enter? You can give the child from six months in the form of gruel, flakes, bread cereals, etc.


These cereal nutrients are easily assimilated by the body because it has not undergone many variations as wheat. Generates a reduced risk of allergies and has a high digestibility.

WHEN you enter? Spelt contains gluten, so its use is recommended after six months.


It is the most caloric and energetic cereal, so it is ideal for the cold months. It brings a lot of vitamin B and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and is rich in fiber.

WHEN you enter? Oats are a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.


Noted for its content in zinc and selenium, antioxidants, minerals, and are rich in fiber. Rye contains B vitamins, which help absorb carbohydrates and benefit the nervous system.

WHEN you enter? Rye is a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.

Tips for Your Baby to Eat Well

Tips for your baby to eat well

Many people would cost God and help get your baby to eat well, either through lack of practice or because the child does not like the food in question. Therefore, you have to throw a lot of imagination and, above all, patience to get not only eats well and varied but dare with new flavors.

Getting your baby to eat well is not easy, mainly because just like adults might one day not hungry or do not like the food, but it can be achieved with a few simple tips:

1. If you want to try new tastes do not do when you are hungry as the news require patience and occasionally must leave that to give you anything you like, and if you are hungry the cure may be worse than the disease.

2. To the extent possible, share the same food. If you find that you're eating the same certainly be encouraged, young children love to imitate what their parents do.

3. You have to go slowly, unless you want to eat or not very hungry you do not make it all finished. The lunch has to be to enjoy and if you catch more passes bad eating mania.   

4. Do not camouflage food constantly. If it's OK to occasionally camouflage some vegetables without noticing, but not very often. You must learn to distinguish the flavors and if food is always hidden never know what things not really know what you really like.

5. Do you have a varied diet as soon as possible, be much easier to want to try new flavors and you can play with that variety to eat better, because you can always say that until a few days does not return to touch and will lose how rich he is.

Recipes for Healthier Babies

From our blog we will propose babies healthier recipes for the babies to prepare you for yourselves.

The homemade baby food recipes are simple and very rewarding to perform; as well as providing great benefits for your baby, because you know exactly what the little one is eating, because it is healthy and prepared with fresh ingredients, unlike the ingredients in the meal.

You have the advantage of being able to adapt the baby food to their needs and preferences; besides being much cheaper than prepared foods and most importantly they are very satisfactory for both mother and child.

5 Healthy Recipes for your baby

Recipe vegetable puree for babies

This puree is suitable for babies from six months, where you can enter the flesh. To prepare this recipe you will need: 


- 2 carrots
- 2 large potatoes
- 1 leek
- 150 grams of peas
- 150 grams of green beans
- 1 chicken breast
- Extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Wash all vegetables and cut into pieces not too small, and degreased and skinned if any, of the chicken breast; Pour all the vegetables in the pot with water, more or less to cover it, and set it to boil.

Moreover cooking the chicken breast steamed or baked and when cooked, Reserve it; when vegetables are cooked, let cool slightly and pass, along with shredded chicken breast in a blender or potato masher, adding 3 or 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and stir all ingredients.

Recipe pureed fruit with yogurt

Suitable for babies aged eight months, you will need:


- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 Golden apple
- 1/2 orange
- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt

Preparation method

Pour into the bowl of the mixer all the ingredients, along with the squeezed orange half, beat all ingredients and served in the bowl, ready to eat.

Recipe chip banana yogurt

It is ideal for older babies and snack need: 


- 1 Natural yogurt
- 1 / banana
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar -optional-

Preparation method

On a plate mince half a banana into small pieces and pour into a natural yogurt; if you see that the baby finds it very acidic, add a teaspoonful brown sugar, but avoid it whenever you can

Recipe peas with baby carrots

For older babies, who are already able to start eating this dish is very healthy. And it is loaded with many vitamins. To prepare, you need:


- 1/2 cup peas
- 1/2 cup baby carrots
- Water
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 dash of extra virgin olive oil

Preparation method

Put water to boil with a pinch of salt and pour the peas and carrots until tender; drain well water, and pour over the vegetables a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. You can cut the carrots into small pieces.

Recipe Hake with peas and potatoes

You can prepare this dish as is, for older babies who are eating alone or when cooking can pass through the blender, if you prefer eating small pureed; but you need to accustom to go biting, so it is only proper to crush with a fork, to become accustomed to other textures on the plate and find a piece that is able to feed himself. 

You will need: 


- 100 grams of hake loin
- 1/2 cup cooked peas
- 1 large potato
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 1 clove garlic
- Chopped parsley
- Water
- 1 pinch of salt

Preparation method

In a pan pour 1 to 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and add finely chopped garlic to browned; then adds the not very small peeled and chopped potatoes, to be sauté and garlic, then pour the water until the cover and let it cook.

When the potatoes are to be axes, add a pinch of salt, peas, Hake, being careful not have thorns and chopped parsley, and let it finish cooking. Let cool and serve.

10 Nutritious Purees for Babies

In the past, rice cereal is what most parents chose for the first baby food because it is considered hypoallergenic, however, many pediatricians acknowledge that nutrient-rich foods, such as potatoes, avocado or banana, are excellent choices of food to give first.


The avocado is an excellent food because it is full of healthy fatty acids and essential nutrients. It is a creamy and smooth so food is digested and well tolerated by most infants.


The banana has properties that help develop the mucous layer of the stomach and aid in digestion; also they possess a sweet taste that many children readily accept.


The potatoes have vitamin A, beta carotene and potassium among others, and babies love their soft and smooth texture.


Pears are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid, and mix well with other fruits.


It is rich in vitamin A, folic acid and calcium; it is easy to mash and you can do with such a thick or thin as you like texture.


Applesauce puree is another easy, even for the whole family; it is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid, and potassium and calcium.

Green peas

Peas are perfect vegetables for baby. They contain vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium and protein.

Green beans

They are full of calcium, vitamin K and vitamin C; they are also a great source of vitamin A and manganese. The amount of nutrients it has preventable conditions such as asthma, acne, ear infections; as well as flu and colds.


Broccoli and cauliflower are recommended for older babies, usually 8-10 months, as they can cause gas and are harder to digest for small stomachs; they are nutritionally a great option and are high in vitamin C.


Peaches are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber; if the baby has problems with constipation, peaches are an effective natural laxative.

The 10 Healthiest Fruits for Baby

Fruits for the baby: the 10 healthiest

Fruits and fruit purees are healthier home for your baby and are full of nutrients and often excellent choices for snacks babies.

10 Healthiest Fruits for Baby

The 10 healthiest fruits for baby

Discover what are the best and healthiest fruits for your baby are.

1. Banana

Bananas are one of the favorite fruits of babies, for its pleasant taste. Crushed mashed banana can help soothe stomach upset and diarrhea combat. It is creamy and sweet and helps balance acidic fruit purees containing, as with those among its ingredients lead strawberries or blueberries. It also contains nutrients such as vitamin A and C, phosphorus and especially potassium.

2. Apple

The apple is a sweet and palatable fruit in almost all varieties, like all babies, purees gives a smooth texture and contains nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E, and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus.

It helps strengthen the immune system and is a good source of fiber. It contains the flavonoid quercetin, which has antioxidant, against free radicals.

3. Peach

Peach is a very sweet fruit and palatable, containing nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E, which is a fruit with high antioxidant content and B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium among others. It has a lot of water, which helps keep the baby hydrated and is very low in fat.

4. Pear

The pear is a fruit full of water and very rich in soluble fiber, which many children find it hard to resist; It is a very rich fruit in vitamins and minerals, highlighting its vitamin A, C, E and group B as B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9 and minerals such as potassium and calcium and being highly digestible, is a the best to include in your baby's diet.

5. Plum

The plum is a very suitable fruit for children who suffer from constipation, because it provides fiber and has a mild laxative effect. It is a fruit with a nice combination of sweet and tart flavors.

It has minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, and B vitamins, especially vitamin B9, which helps to grow properly; also it contains vitamins A, C and E.

6. Blueberries

It is a fruit rich in antioxidants, although slightly acidic and very sour, so you have to mix with banana, apple or pear to make a delicious fruit puree to offer in the snack.

Blueberries are rich in anthocyanin, which have a clear antioxidant and astringent function, so they are suitable for diarrhea; It contains vitamins A, C, E and group B, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9, and minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc and manganese among others.

7. Cherries

Cherries are rich in various antioxidants compounds, highlighting its vitamin A, C, and Group B, and minerals such as iron and calcium, potassium, selenium and phosphorus among others. It is an ideal to mix with banana or apple, or add to yogurt, from eight months old fruit.

8. Strawberry

Strawberry is a very nutritious and palatable fruit, which contains vitamins C, A, E and B complex, as the B9; It is an antioxidant fruit great contribution of minerals, mainly potassium as well as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium among others.

We must emphasize that it is a fruit with high water content, which makes it very moisturizing and their fiber intake helps maintain good intestinal transit in babies. It is recommended from 10 months to a year.

9. Mango

After ten months, the baby can take mango, a tropical fruit that provides vitamin C, high in vitamin A, an antioxidant fruit with high content of flavonoids; also provides B3 and B6.

It is a fruit that contains tryptophan, which has relaxing properties, which is very appropriate for babies because along with vitamin B helps to be more relaxed and maintain a more restful sleep.

10. Papaya

Papaya noted for its vitamin A - carotene-, vitamin C and group B as B1, B2, B3 and B9, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It contains proteolytic enzymes such as papain, which aids digestion, which besides containing many vitamins, it is highly digestible.


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