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Baby Food from 18 Months

Baby food from 18 months

Want to know what the best food for the baby are after 18 months. Babies from our blog we tell you all the details. When you offer a variety of healthy foods, you can help your child to develop a preference for foods rich in nutrients that will establish themselves in him as he grows into adulthood and reduce the risk of obesity throughout life.
Baby Food from 18 Months

Adequate food for 18 months

Around 18 months of age, the skills of self-feeding of children have improved and may be able to use your own spoon; it will be important to keep a regular schedule of meals.

Fruits and vegetables

Try to give your baby fruits and vegetables every day; Choose peaches, bananas, citrus, pears and apples from fruit and choose vegetables like carrots, peas, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, cut into small pieces that are easier to eat, and occasionally offer starts peeled nuts and very games with yogurt to prevent choking.


Your child needs two to three servings of dairy a day, like yogurt, milk, cheese and curd. Until it is two years old, whole milk is needed, because the fat and calories are important for brain development and growth. Although you can include in your diet drinks of plant origin, such as soy milk, rice or almond, which provide a good nutrient content.

Whole Grains

Your child needs whole grains every day, either breakfast or lunch, such as oats, rice or barley among others. At meals you can offer wheat pasta, like spaghetti or macaroni, which will bring a good dose of fiber.


You also need to provide two servings of protein a day, either chopped meat and poultry, eggs or fish without spines, which are good sources of protein.

If you want to know what is the basic food for young infants, we recommend you read our article "Food for babies from 7 months"

What do you think these foods to your baby from 18 months?

Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Even if your child is allergic to any of the following foods you should not worry because you can always find alternatives that meet the needs of the child.

The foods that cause allergic reactions in children are: 

Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Cow's milk

Actually, it is not milk, but their proteins (milk and serum). The reaction occurs between 3-6 months and since the first shots. The main nutritional value of milk is those excellent biological value proteins and calcium. But calm, because in the market there based formulas adapted to highly hydrolyzed proteins (considered hypoallergenic) and basic milk (fragmented protein amino acids), which cover the needs of the child.

You can also opt for dairy milks such as soy or almond, which contains similar nutrients to the cow and is well accepted by children for their taste. Other valid options are rice milk, corn or millet. On the other hand, if you're worried about calcium intake keep in mind that there are many foods with equal or superior to those of milk, such as green leafy vegetables and legumes quantities.

They are equivalent in calcium to half a glass of milk: 50 g 100 g spinach or chard and watercress, 50 g of beans or chickpeas 110 g, 2 canned sardines, 20 almonds or hazelnuts or 3 figs.

Pay attention to the labels of processed meats such as ham or bologna, sausages, packet soups, cereals, pasta, pastries, ice cream, milk shakes or chocolate, since they may contain milk.


The allergic reaction occurs from the first intake, to 10-12 months. High protein, egg contains iron, vitamins (especially group B), calcium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. If your child can not take it, I replace it with 80-100 g of meat, fish or poultry. Legumes are also good substitutes, so you can choose 80 g (crude), peas, lentils or chickpeas. Care to buy cakes, packet soups, ice cream and sausages as they can carry egg.

Fish and seafood

Equivalent to egg nutrients, you can replace them with similar amounts of meat, poultry or vegetable. Take two eggs per 100 g of fish and shellfish is another option.


Its basic nutritional intake equivalent to egg, meat, poultry or fish, so you can give your child some 100 g of these or a couple of eggs, rather than a dish of vegetables.


Rosaceae are called (apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, strawberry) and citrus causing the most allergic reactions. On the other hand, increased consumption of exotic fruits triggered reactions to fruits like kiwi and avocado. Just avoid responsible for allergy and choose other for fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits

Walnut, chestnut, peanut and hazelnut are responsible for most allergies. But its contribution of fatty acids and minerals can be supplemented with egg, meat, poultry or fish. Pay attention to the labels of sauces, desserts, chocolate and pastries, because they may contain traces.

Household Products for Baby Foods

All of the vessels to feed the baby

From the moment you start to give the first play food to your baby, he and you will enjoy the advantages of practical products for feeding children.

For starters, you want a strong, stable and comfortable seat, a comfortable height for you, where you can sit him. At first you'll use your bouncer, or even your car seat. But once able to sit up, ideally a baby seat at the table. So your baby can participate in family meals and you can feed while you feed him. We also will be easier to clean when you finish eating your little (and throwing food on the floor).

In addition to the chair, learn about the different products and tools that are on the market, as covered for babies, bibs, mats, bowls and cups, mills for preparing baby food, heaters and thermal bags. The ideas then we will help. 

What to look for when buying

Spoons: you can use a teaspoon of tea or coffee to feed your baby, but a spoon coated plastic is best for their delicate gums. They may also find helpful the spoons that change color indicating if the food is too hot for the baby. Disposable plastic spoons, free of polyvinyl chloride (material commonly known as PVC), are practical when you're walking and you do not want to lose (or having to save) baby spoon.
In the market we also covered with ergonomic design, but these will not be interested until later because they are actually made for older babies who feed themselves.
Bibs easy to put on, remove and wash: maybe you're about to fall into the temptation to buy a pair of those cute bibs design with matching baby outfit. We recommend, however, opt for practical solutions although not fashionable. Ideally: Large, washable, stain resistant and easy to put on and take Bibs (choose those that are closed with Velcro or poppers instead of ribbons or tapes).
For meals at home, these bibs plastic pockets that trap so you drop the baby are very practical. They can be cleaned or washed after every meal and are resistant to stains. If you do not mind having more clothes to wash, large terry cloth bibs or towel are a good choice. And do not forget to always bring one in the diaper, but also the napkins or wipes work wonders.
Rugs: the rugs splash proof is kind of laminated mats that are placed under the seat where the baby eats, to protect the floor or carpet from food stains and juice. They are sold in various colors and patterns, and are ideal for ground cover beneath the baby seat size.
If you prefer a cheaper alternative, you can perfectly use a sheet or large towel tablecloth. Or if you want something less flashy, cut a shower curtain or vinyl mat width (available at hardware stores).
You may also have to hand mats of fabric or plastic to cover the table of your child's chair, a picnic table, or wherever you need a clean surface to feed. There are even some that are disposable (which also will serve to diaper changes away from home).
Plastic plates or bowls: when you’re little start eating alone, need your own plate or plastic bowl (so you will not break when you throw against the wall of the kitchen). The ideal dish is one easy to hold, with a lid so you can keep and carry the baby food, and you can put the microwave (to heat leftovers).
Some parents love the dishes that can be clipped to the baby seat with suction cups, while others think it not worth it because soon cease to be useful. You find cutlery sets and children's dishes in fun colors and shapes.
Children Cups: When your baby is ready to start drinking from a cup (usually between 6 months and 1 year old), the spill-proof cups with lids or nozzle will be very useful. Most have an internal valve that prevents the escape of liquid, even when the baby turns or pulls the cup.

Unfortunately, this valve can be so effective that sometimes the baby has a hard time getting the liquid. Many parents have to try several different types of baby cups until you find one you like. Maybe you can help change from bottle to cup if you buy one with a soft nozzle as bottle nipples.

Mills and baby food processing: compact no manual grinders that can be loaded in the baby bag and come with a handy carrying case. Wherever you go, you can instantly prepare little meals for your baby with just remove the rotating part of metal, fill it with a little food, cover again and turn the crank. With a few laps ready baby food.

If you plan to prepare food yourself your son, it may be convenient to invest in an electric food processor that allows you to puree the touch of a button. An innovative product is a kind of mesh bag that works like a sieve. Open it, you put the food inside, and shut. The baby is biting the bag and goes sneaking tiny bits of food through the mesh, preventing choking with large pieces, shells or seeds. This bag has a slightly larger handle so that the baby can easily hold.

Food warmers: These practical electrical appliances used to heat bottles and jars of baby food quickly and without being too hot. They have a thermostat that controls the temperature, and are small enough to bring on a trip. You can also purchase thermal bags or boxes made especially to keep refrigerated baby food while traveling.

How much will it cost?

Most commodities (bibs, plates, spoons, bowls, and cups) are fairly inexpensive (if you live in America, you will find them from $ 1 to $ 10). Some products, including electric heaters, windmills and cups to test more elaborate strokes, are more expensive (about $ 20).

The First Baby Cereals

When the stage of introducing new foods other than milk, cereals starts are among the first foods that come into the baby's diet. What and when.

From six months baby, milk is no longer sufficient to ensure proper growth of the child. Cereals are one of the foods that should be introduced first and are essential to the development of porridge for children. 

However, one must know what kind of cereal you can start and what should be introduced in a second stage, depending on whether they contain gluten or not. We give guidelines to introduce new cereals.

The First Baby Cereals




It provides more cereal starch and the more easily digestible form. You can offer the baby in the form of flour, meal, flakes or rice milk.

WHEN you enter? It can provide virtually from the start weaning at 4-6 months. It may be given to celiac children.


Corn is rich in carbohydrates, and contains potassium, beta carotene, and magnesium and B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Corn can give the child almost from the beginning of weaning, 4-6 months, in the form of flour and semolina. You can administer to celiac children.


A very small grain and soft grain and neutral taste, which makes it well accepted by children. It is one of the cereals that provide more iron and magnesium. It contains B vitamins.

WHEN you enter? Millet is a fit for the first cereal baby food, because it contains no gluten.


Sorghum is very similar to corn, both in appearance and nutritional cereal. It contains vitamins E and B type, minerals such as phosphorus, iron and calcium, and fiber.

WHEN you enter?
It contains no gluten, so it can offer the child at the beginning of weaning.

Cereals containing gluten


Very protein: provides long lasting energy. Bran is rich in indigestible fiber, which prevents constipation. It is rich in minerals and vitamins of group B.

WHEN you enter? Wheat can give the child in the form of porridge flour, flakes, grits, biscuits or bread from six months.


It has a nutritional value and very similar to the chemical composition of wheat, and is very easy to digest. It is rich in vitamins PP, E and B (such as folic acid) group.

WHEN you enter? You can give the child from six months in the form of gruel, flakes, bread cereals, etc.


These cereal nutrients are easily assimilated by the body because it has not undergone many variations as wheat. Generates a reduced risk of allergies and has a high digestibility.

WHEN you enter? Spelt contains gluten, so its use is recommended after six months.


It is the most caloric and energetic cereal, so it is ideal for the cold months. It brings a lot of vitamin B and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and is rich in fiber.

WHEN you enter? Oats are a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.


Noted for its content in zinc and selenium, antioxidants, minerals, and are rich in fiber. Rye contains B vitamins, which help absorb carbohydrates and benefit the nervous system.

WHEN you enter? Rye is a cereal containing gluten, so it must be inserted into the child's diet after six months.

Tips for Your Baby to Eat Well

Tips for your baby to eat well

Many people would cost God and help get your baby to eat well, either through lack of practice or because the child does not like the food in question. Therefore, you have to throw a lot of imagination and, above all, patience to get not only eats well and varied but dare with new flavors.

Getting your baby to eat well is not easy, mainly because just like adults might one day not hungry or do not like the food, but it can be achieved with a few simple tips:

1. If you want to try new tastes do not do when you are hungry as the news require patience and occasionally must leave that to give you anything you like, and if you are hungry the cure may be worse than the disease.

2. To the extent possible, share the same food. If you find that you're eating the same certainly be encouraged, young children love to imitate what their parents do.

3. You have to go slowly, unless you want to eat or not very hungry you do not make it all finished. The lunch has to be to enjoy and if you catch more passes bad eating mania.   

4. Do not camouflage food constantly. If it's OK to occasionally camouflage some vegetables without noticing, but not very often. You must learn to distinguish the flavors and if food is always hidden never know what things not really know what you really like.

5. Do you have a varied diet as soon as possible, be much easier to want to try new flavors and you can play with that variety to eat better, because you can always say that until a few days does not return to touch and will lose how rich he is.


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