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Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Even if your child is allergic to any of the following foods you should not worry because you can always find alternatives that meet the needs of the child.

The foods that cause allergic reactions in children are: 

Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Cow's milk

Actually, it is not milk, but their proteins (milk and serum). The reaction occurs between 3-6 months and since the first shots. The main nutritional value of milk is those excellent biological value proteins and calcium. But calm, because in the market there based formulas adapted to highly hydrolyzed proteins (considered hypoallergenic) and basic milk (fragmented protein amino acids), which cover the needs of the child.

You can also opt for dairy milks such as soy or almond, which contains similar nutrients to the cow and is well accepted by children for their taste. Other valid options are rice milk, corn or millet. On the other hand, if you're worried about calcium intake keep in mind that there are many foods with equal or superior to those of milk, such as green leafy vegetables and legumes quantities.

They are equivalent in calcium to half a glass of milk: 50 g 100 g spinach or chard and watercress, 50 g of beans or chickpeas 110 g, 2 canned sardines, 20 almonds or hazelnuts or 3 figs.

Pay attention to the labels of processed meats such as ham or bologna, sausages, packet soups, cereals, pasta, pastries, ice cream, milk shakes or chocolate, since they may contain milk.


The allergic reaction occurs from the first intake, to 10-12 months. High protein, egg contains iron, vitamins (especially group B), calcium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. If your child can not take it, I replace it with 80-100 g of meat, fish or poultry. Legumes are also good substitutes, so you can choose 80 g (crude), peas, lentils or chickpeas. Care to buy cakes, packet soups, ice cream and sausages as they can carry egg.

Fish and seafood

Equivalent to egg nutrients, you can replace them with similar amounts of meat, poultry or vegetable. Take two eggs per 100 g of fish and shellfish is another option.


Its basic nutritional intake equivalent to egg, meat, poultry or fish, so you can give your child some 100 g of these or a couple of eggs, rather than a dish of vegetables.


Rosaceae are called (apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, strawberry) and citrus causing the most allergic reactions. On the other hand, increased consumption of exotic fruits triggered reactions to fruits like kiwi and avocado. Just avoid responsible for allergy and choose other for fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits

Walnut, chestnut, peanut and hazelnut are responsible for most allergies. But its contribution of fatty acids and minerals can be supplemented with egg, meat, poultry or fish. Pay attention to the labels of sauces, desserts, chocolate and pastries, because they may contain traces.
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