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Babies Want to Eat Like Their Parents

Babies want to eat like their parents

When the time comes the introduction of solids, many parents do not know what food to give their children: we started with fruit? Porridge or solid?

After six months, when we want our baby begins with the introduction of solid and go left chest, is very difficult to accept slurry of fruit instead of breast milk, which feeds more.

Why does not fruit?

The fruit has no protein, no fat or calcium, or nearly vitamins (A and C only), and only provides 50 calories. Instead, milk provides protein, fat, calcium, all known vitamins and about 80 calories per 100 grams (over time, breast milk is increasingly calories).

What should eat babies

Babies eat when they see their parents often take pieces of food with their hands, suck and gnaw? But they must take the breast, which is what feeds them. Losing takes to eat a fruit or vegetable is to put your little weight loss regimen.

Even assuming that the fruit would feed, babies hardly going to want a mixture of crushed fruits and cereals and less hot, as some parents. They want to eat like their parents, because they see them and because they are accustomed to family food, since the flavor of what your mother eats goes into the milk.
What dishes you can prepare a baby

Your child wants to eat the same as Mom and Dad with tomato rice, lentils, chicken, hamburger, bananas, chickpeas, noodles (best without broth, so do not fill the stomach liquid), bread or whatever you eat that day. And I'd rather grab a piece with his fingers, put in their mouths by him, explore and enjoy.
When is the right time

The introduction of solids can occur at six months or later: many babies do not want anything more than the chest to ten months or more. Not to worry, they eat according to your needs.

The Best Food for a Baby up to 1 Year

The Best Food for a Baby up to 1 Year

The best food for a baby up to 1 year

Today the best food for a baby up to 1 year are those that contain all the vitamins and nutrients for proper growth and good development.

When a baby begins to take its first food for them, it is recommended that the breasts have a slight notion that you can give the baby as first foods.

When you go to give food to a baby for the first time, the process should be gradual. Bear in mind that you cannot suddenly give you a plate full of vegetables because they do not know how it will assimilate, however, it can give you some vegetables to go for testing. You should try to give a little of each major group: milk proteins, grains and vegetables.

The ideal is that whenever you go to eat small, will begin offering a little milk and some pieces of vegetables.

If you want the child used to the flavors before you start giving raw vegetables, you can make fruit and vegetable juices handing them to go.

What is the correct way to give your child fruit and vegetables?

So the child can eat properly fruit and vegetables you give, it must be cut into bite. Snacks should be sized small so that it can put them in their mouth once mouth.
Other snacks you can give your baby are grains that have round shapes, one cooked pasta, egg chunks or slices of bread.

Combine and change

Children tend to get bored when they are eating every day if we give the same, even if they have less than a year. To avoid this, you should keep in mind; you should give your child food those appeals to you at all times.

The best foods for babies are those that are more attractive and fun are those that are brightly colored or are very crisp.

Be creative and combine the best food for a baby up to 1 year, you will see how enjoy and be a real pleasure to watch him eat.

The Homemade Food is Still Better Than the Industrial Baby Food

Infant feeding in the first few years, as we have said once, is very important for the proper development of babies and children and serves to lay the groundwork for future health.

That's why it's always recommended that infants receive the most natural foods possible. This recommendation includes making homemade dishes, fresh ingredients controlling us to maintain most of its properties.

Thus industrial jars are (or should be) relegated to the point when there is no time or opportunity to offer a meal made at home. But when in a recent study it concludes that it cannot ensure adequate nutrition in children who regularly consume industrial jars.

The study was carried out in the CAP Amadeu Torner of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. To carry out standard elaborated homemade purees (which usually recommend pediatricians) and a nutritional analysis was performed of these purees and other commercial purees three different brands that can easily be found in any grocery trade.

Why is it better home cooking

Energy values each contribute the content and quality of carbohydrates, content and characteristics of lipid and protein content were compared and the following data were extracted:
  • They saw that if homemade fruit purees are replaced by fruit jars calorie content significantly increased (35% more calories), which can cause loss of appetite for the next meal.
  • Usually eat vegetables with meat or fish industry makes far fewer calories are ingested with homemade porridge (no less than 40% less energy).
  • Baby food has less fat than homemade porridge, something like 50% less. However, the percentage of saturated fat, which is more atherogenic load (ability to generate plaques in the arteries), is 50-60% greater.

If a child eats only industrial jars 

Should a child being offered a meal only industrial preparations, most of the energy would be given by dessert. If a regular feeding baby food continues, children receive a contribution of carbohydrates lower than recommended long chain (which provide the "main course") and an excess of simple carbohydrates (which are provided with dessert).

The simple carbohydrates, for which not know them, are the ones who are digested faster, passing into the bloodstream within minutes. This makes the body must secrete more insulin than usual to move the excess glucose from the blood into the cells to produce energy is glucose.

By the time a baby (or a person) takes too many simple carbohydrates the cells are unable to continue transforming glucose into energy and these carbohydrates are converted into fat, which can increase blood triglycerides or cause cardiac complications.


Once again the shortcomings of industrial baby food jars and the need for manufacturers to work on getting more nutritious and balanced food for our children are looming.

We agree that today there is little time for cooking up for oneself and many parents turn to these preparations, but we try to offer our children a meal as healthy as possible as they are at a delicate time of growth and maturation of all its systems. To us to provide a suitable fuel.

No salt in Baby Food

During the first year of life is still immature renal system to process large amounts of sodium, so the recommendation for when you start to introduce complementary feeding from six months, is not to add any salt in food baby.

Sodium is a necessary mineral for the body, but not in large amounts because too much can seriously affect the health of the arteries in the long term by increasing the risk of diseases like high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol.

The baby's kidneys are still too small to handle large amounts of this mineral, making mashed, porridge or other foods that we prepare them to be in their best natural, no preservatives and no added salt.

120 mg of sodium per day is recommended until 5 months and 200 mg daily between 5 and 12 months. Already the sodium containing foods cover the daily needs, values ​​that can easily be overcome if salt, preservatives, commercial broths or other industrial food baby's diet is added.

It is estimated that up to 75 percent of the salt we eat comes from food, not from the salt shaker, so that's important to read the labels of the foods we buy.

We may think that children are not affected much salt intake as adults, but if you are accustomed from small to salty foods will developing an increasing appetite for salt.

But if your palate becomes accustomed to natural foods, this will provide for better quality of life in adulthood.

The recommendation is no salt in baby food. Lest soda, you can add spices to add flavor and good nutrients.

Schedules Babies Lunchtime

Feeding a newborn is fairly easy. Or are breastfed or bottle-fed, so all you have to do is give them milk when they are hungry, that is, on demand, without much regard for any schedule or routine.

After reading this first paragraph many mothers are thinking "well, and every 3 hours if you give a bottle", which as we said a while ago, is not entirely correct recommendation, because although many children ask bottle every three hours because it's time they are hungry, many ask every two hours and four others do. It makes no sense to starve first, and it makes sense to eat a baby not hungry (although this would be less problematic).

The doubts come when the baby is six months and the mother comes home with a sheet that has given the pediatrician which explains what can start eating your baby and what times babies are at mealtime.
"Do I get to pick a routine with my baby"

Many mothers begin to give their children supplementary feeding at six months and realize how difficult it is to feed a baby as some schedules. When you give food when you do not want and have not prepared it seems you are hungry, eat a few days at 12 noon and the other does not want anything until you give 15 o'clock.

So in this lawlessness, the mother feels that something is wrong and doubts appear: "Would you be giving a lot", "? We will be giving little", "? What is the best time to eat," “Why today does not want the first bite? ".

Food demand, common sense and patience

When we talk about babies the best remedy for almost all ills it is common sense. The problem is that sometimes the questions are so large and the fear of getting it wrong so powerful that we dare not ignore logic.

It is very common that babies do not have schedules because, quite simply, do not need them. Babies suck on demand for one simple reason: they know best when they need to breastfeed and how much they need to take. They know better than their mothers and better than their pediatricians.

Similarly, children 6 months know when to eat and how much to eat, and they know better than their mothers and better than the slip of the pediatrician instructions given to the mother, which is nothing more than a photocopy of a paper delivery for all children 6 months as if they were all equal.

Well, like the day I ate at a restaurant in Asturias and was told "but how little they eat the Catalans!", Because I left a lot of food and could not, not all babies have to eat the same amount.

Moreover, as adults we tend to eat only what we like (I still do not know anyone who says I'm going to eat this vegetable dish, which gives me a disgusted "that pa what"), babies also tend to eat only what they like. And at first, as know not only flavors, usually very little.

Therefore, common sense, babies have to eat whatever they want and when they please, i.e. demand.
It called complementary feeding because it complements

I know you will be thinking clearly, if they decide they will not eat anything, and if you have those leaves will be because he has to eat. No, the reality is that supplementary feeding is only the food that is given to the baby to gradually start eating, but not because you need it urgently (the last day of the sixth month of life only drank milk and the next day it needs a lot of food).

In other words, supplementary feeding is so named because it is a complement of milk, which remains the main food for babies.

The food will have to go giving babies from six months, but not impose. Little by little, day by day (or every week), babies are eating more quantity and do in the moment most want them to do (that they know it).

Schedules and routines and will be coming. Probably the day I sit down to eat with you at the table start to eat it according to your schedule. Well, that day will come, no rush or perhaps the women who lived in caves came out to watch the sun's position to calculate if your baby had already eat?


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