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7 Things About Baby Food You Need to Know

In feeding the baby should always follow the advice of the pediatrician, babies are born with an innate behavior that is suction and which is used to feed.

Although breast milk is recommended as a basis for feeding newborn baby, there are mothers who cannot feed your child naturally, or are the babies themselves, who are not accustomed.

7 Things About Baby Food You Need to Know

In the event that the baby does not suit breastfeeding should not force the issue or enter into a state of worry, since feeding during infancy can also be performed using bottles, both milk and milk powder .

One point to consider feeding during the first year of life the baby is you cannot drink cow's milk, and that during the first six months should not take solid food, given its inability to perform proper digestion.
  1. At first breastfeeding it can be painful and uncomfortable way to prevent these discomforts is preparing properly with cream and oils. Breast milk has many benefits for the baby, it is recommended against bottles.
  2. During the first days of feeding the baby must breastfeed every time you want when you stop sucking must withdraw his chest.
  3. To feed the baby has to find a peaceful and quiet place where you can be with the newborn in peace. A good place in your room, with adequate light and if possible, in a comfortable position. Many mothers choose to buy a rocking chair, where after breastfeeding, can be cradling the baby to take the dream.
  4. When up milk may be problems such as fever, headache or discomfort the first few times the sucking child can be annoying, but with patience and attention these annoyances disappear in the early days.
  5. The baby must empty the breast during shooting as the composition varies depending breastfeeding takes long this takes, in fact, the final has more fat and leaves the baby satiated.
  6. Even if you decide to feed baby with artificial milk, you do not worry, today make almost as nutritious as natural breast milk. You should keep in mind that cleaning bottles and what they already carry an article you can read here: How to sterilize bottles and pacifiers
  7. Think that every time the child cries is because he is hungry is wrong, you must first try to reassure without feeding.

The pediatrician will be responsible to tell you when the baby can start taking baby food. Now you know everything you need to know about infant feeding during the first months.
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