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Baby-led Weaning: Another Way to Teach Your Baby to Eat

When your baby begins to eat solid foods, you have two options: follow the method of porridges and tables of food introduction; or try the baby-lead weaning or demand feeding increasingly popular. Do you know what it is?

Baby-led Weaning: Another Way to Teach Your Baby to Eat

The baby-led weaning, also known as "self-regulated feed" or "complementary feeding on demand" is a popularized by books like "The child already eats alone" as an alternative to the traditional system of introduction of solid foods method. What he proposes is to dispense with the stage of porridges, purees and food tables and instead start offering your baby food into small pieces to have it in your mouth and learn to feed himself. This is done after six months, when the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding toggle start with the introduction of solid foods.

Do you think something revolutionary? Well, if you think it is not so: according to their proponents claim, this form of start eating is traditional for humans and, in fact, that is still done in countries where not many baby food and food mixers. Instead, mechanically grinding food and give it mixed the baby is "unnatural" for proponents of baby-led weaning, because it forces the baby to get used to some textures and flavors that do not correspond to real food. Who eats potatoes, carrots and green beans all at once, and also crushed?

In fact, we've practiced the baby-led weaning when we give the baby a piece of bread or cracker to suck, or other food to see if you like. It is curious also be noted that, as suggested by some experiments, children eat better when we let them choose those foods that take ...

In this sense, the advantages of baby-led weaning are numerous:

- The Baby learns to eat in a more natural way.
- Explore Real textures and tastes of foods.
- Avoid The cost and effort to prepare baby food for the baby.
- The Baby eats what you need, without obliging him.
- Develop The senses and motor skills.
- Improves communication between baby and parents.
- Integra baby, eating almost the same as others.

However, the disadvantages of baby-lead weaning are also significant:

- at Handling food with their hands, the baby tends to stain everything.
- It's a method that requires patience to keep pace baby.
- There must be careful to avoid the risk of choking.
- It's not suitable for babies with food allergies or intolerances.
- Not all babies adapt to this method of learning.

As always, it is best to use common sense: if you want to try complementary feeding on demand, begins by giving small pieces of food with those who can not choke. Introduce a new food at a time to control if it causes allergic reactions and alternating with breast or bottle to eat enough. And if does not work, do not insist: every baby has its own style and many do better with the traditional method of baby food and purees. Finally, remember to ask any questions concerning feeding your baby with your pediatrician.

What do you think of baby-lead weaning? Do you see good or porridges prefer?

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography / Freedigitalphotos.net

The First Baby Food Jars

The First Baby Food Jars

When you go to choose and buy the first baby food jars, make sure it meets all the vitamins and nutrients needed for growth of the baby. There are many trademarks, ask your doctor which one is the most recommended.
first baby food jars


Food is essential in the development of our baby is therefore important to be able to feed and eat everything to be in good shape in the future and prevent possible diseases that will be given during the growth.

The jars are key in feeding the small and all baby food shelves of a supermarket or specialty store, we can find without problem some. However, many mothers have doubts about when it will be the ideal for baby food to your baby in this publication so we give you some tips so you know which the right time now is.

At six months of age when they start out the first teeth and until we see them two and a half years. This point will help us to know when is the right time when we have to give the baby food because it has this old baby is fed on porridge and purees, basically.

Why it is good to give a baby jars?

The jars are ideal for a nutritional balance in the diet of our little one. The contents of a jar is loaded with minerals, protein and a good supply of vitamins that come in just measures and, last but not least, spend quality controls rigorous who do we have confidence in giving them as food base for our small .

As mentioned above, whenever we go to buy baby food have to have some details into account such as what is done the same and age that is marked on the back, as some are made for babies with higher age range and others a little less.

It is also good that our baby goes making vegetable cream flavors and the like so that in the future, is not so complicated that eat fruit and vegetables when you begin eating solid foods.

With the first baby food jars, you make it more familiar with the different flavors and textures of food, at first there are children that certain foods are not palatable to him, and others love it, but it's a matter of time.

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Tips for Introducing Meat Into the Baby's Diet

Traditionally, medical professionals have recommended the introduction of meat into the baby's diet from 7 months of age, being the chicken and turkey first and then red meat, but recent research has suggested that the meat must It is presented as one of the first complementary foods for baby from 6 months old.

The iron in breast milk is well absorbed by babies. However, when exclusively breastfed infants are introduced to solid foods, they begin to absorb less iron than milk, therefore, it is important to ensure that the solid food that is given to a baby is rich in iron, such as beef and lamb.

Inserting the meat baby food

A common concern about the introduction of meat into the baby's diet is that it can be harder to digest than most fruits and vegetables, but if cooked properly, then pureed vegetables with greatly improved digestibility.

When you enter the meat initially in the baby's diet, you may prefer to puree completely, because it is more digestible and minimizes choking hazard to young infants; recent research has shown that iron very finely ground meat is absorbed by the baby's body much more easily.

To grind the meat very thinly, let it cool completely and cut into small pieces and grind it in a blender in small amounts, with some cooking broth, which makes it easier to grind; you can even achieve a smoother result, adding a little potato and carrot to the meat and crush it all together.

Processed meat such as ham, sausages and salami are not suitable food for your baby, because they are high in salt, and also contain unwanted that can trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive baby additives.

How to develop a meat puree for baby

To develop a suitable meat puree for baby you can choose chicken or beef and add vegetables to give more consistency to their food and add nutrients to the developing baby.

You can add the following ingredients:

- 2 medium potatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 cup of broccoli
- 250 grams of meat to choose
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation

Put a pot of water and pour all cleaned and chopped vegetables with the meat and cook, when the ingredients are cooked, crushed in a blender and add two tablespoons of olive oil vigen bonus. Place in individual portions when it has cooled down and freeze to have it available when you want.

Complementary Feeding, Step by Step

Complementary Feeding, Step by Step
We offer a power scheme that will guide you in introducing the first solid food in your baby's diet, from six months until the first year of life.

With regard to the introduction of the first different than milk, pediatricians indications are less rigid than a decade ago. For example, it is not strictly necessary to start with cereal or fruit give the first slurry at noon or offer food to the child one at a time, leaving a few days before introducing a new food. Now, the introduction of foods can be started with the meat, the first slurry can be given at night and can be offered at the same time, several new foods. However, some mothers prefer to opt for a more traditional scheme, which in fact corresponds to our Mediterranean culture. We present it below.

When to start ideally; start adding foods at six months

Until now, breast milk is more than enough to ensure proper growth of the small. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively for at least the first six months of baby's life, and advised to continue breastfeeding along with other foods, up to two years or more. Pediatric Scientific Community recommends not enter any food other than milk before 17 weeks of age, but do not wait more than 26 weeks to do so.

5-6 months: cereal and fruit

According to the traditional scheme, cereals and fruit are the first foods that are introduced into the infant's diet.
The first porridge
They are made with rice and corn because it does not contain gluten. To begin, simply added a few teaspoons milk bottle below (or milk), to then gradually increase the amount and offer them on a plate. Later, when the child's digestive system is able to digest gluten, you can enter other cereals such as wheat, barley, spelled, rye or oats.

Regarding fruit
- You can start with a puree of apple, pear and banana
- Finely ground, replacing the decision in the afternoon, without adding sugar to the liquid. 

Gradually, they will be introducing new fruits such as oranges, peaches or grapes, and gradually increase the consistency of the purees, offer the child until chopped fruit from the year.

6 months: vegetables and white meat

The vegetable is introduced into the child's diet after six months, in the form of purees and soups. We must give preference to those vegetables that have a sweeter flavor, such as carrots, potatoes and green beans, as it is easier for the child to accept them. After about two weeks, vegetable purees can be enriched with meat.

At first sparingly and finely ground. It is recommended to start with the white meats, such as turkey or chicken, because they are more digestible and have a milder taste.

7 months: red meat

Now, you can add the mashed red meat (beef, lamb, foal ...) and new vegetables, like zucchini, squash, celery, spinach, etc. To keep the nutrients from vegetables and meat intact, it is best to steam. It is also important not to add salt to puree, in order not to meet, from very tiny, too much "sympathy" for salty foods.

9 months: fish

The first pieces of fish can be incorporated into mashed vegetables from nine months. 

It is advisable to start with the white fish (sole, hake, monkfish, etc.), because it contains less fat and is easily digested. To give the child oily fish (tuna, sardines, etc.), we have to wait 18 months; crustaceans will have to avoid up to two years.

It is very important to ensure that the fish is fresh; when in doubt, we will resort to frozen fish, from the nutritional point of view, has nothing to envy to cool and provides greater assurance of hygienic safety.

10 months: egg

At 10 months, you can start giving the child a teaspoon of egg yolk, always well cooked. If allergic reactions occur during administration after 48 hours, we can give a teaspoonful every other day, to move to a bud.

The light has a higher allergenic power, so its introduction is recommended as of the year, starting with a very small amount dissolved in the slurry.

10-12 months: legumes

Lentils, chickpeas, peas ... At this age, they usually enter
Early vegetables in the diet of children (although some pediatricians recommend starting and eight months). At first, we will give pulses as creams or purees. Later, we can offer them whole, trying very overcooked and with some kind of cereal serving. In the case of lentils, it is best to choose those without skin, as are more digestible. If we use dried chickpeas, it is important to keep in soaked for at least ten hours in water before baking.

12 months: growth milk

After the first year of life, if the mother not breastfeed, you can move to the growth milk, whose composition is adapted to, the nutritional needs have children aged one to three years:
Growth milk has more iron and vitamins than cow's milk, but less protein. This is also an advantage, as different studies have shown that excess protein can promote the development of obesity in children.

Baby Solid Foods Age 10 to 12 Months

So far, the aim has been to your baby used to the idea of solid foods and to share the table with the rest of the family. Breast milk or formula is still an important part of their diet. However, at the end of the first year, solid foods will be an even more important part of the nutrition of your child.

Signs that are ready to eat a more varied selection of solid foods 
  • you can hold your head up alone.
  • You can sit well in his high chair to eat.
  • It is able to make chewing motions.
  • Shows interest in food.
  • You can close your mouth around a spoon.
  • Take things with thumb and index finger (or pinch object).
  • You can transfer things from one hand to the other.
  • It takes everything in their mouths.
  • It has begun to mimic chewing, moving the jaw from side to side.
  • It is easier to swallow food.
  • He has more teeth.
  • Gone is the extrusion reflex of the tongue, that is, the reflection of pushing his tongue out of his mouth all that is solid.
  • Try a spoon.

Foods you can give 

  • Breast milk: about 3-4 times a day. Either formula: about 3 to 4 bottles of 5 to 6 ounces (147-177 ml), a day.
  • Bits of soft pasteurized cheese, yogurt or cottage cheese. If you wonder why those dairy products may be given to a child much earlier than cow's milk (which should not be introduced to the baby's diet until 12 months of age), it is because the culture processes used to make the manufacture easier to digest milk protein and reduce the amounts of lactose.
  • Iron fortified cereals (rice, barley, oats, wheat or various mixtures).
  • Strips or diced or crushed fruit.
  • Chips and soft as cooked peas or carrots vegetables.
  • Meals "combo" (macaroni and cheese, stews or casseroles).
  • Food you can make with your fingers (dry O-shaped cereal low in sugar, pieces of lightly toasted bread pieces of ripe banana, well-cooked spiral pasta, special teething biscuits).
  • Small amounts of protein foods such as eggs, mashed red meat and poultry and fish without spines. You can also offer vegetable purees which have thin skin, such as lentils, peas and or black beans.

How much to eat per day

  • 1/3 cup of milk a day (or 1/2 ounce of cheese) products.
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of iron-fortified cereal.
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fruit.
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of vegetables.
  • 1/8 to 1/4 cup protein foods.
  • 1/8 to 1/4 cup of food "combo" (macaroni and cheese, stews or casseroles).

Other tips

Enter the new food with three days apart from each other. Thus, if your little one has an allergic reaction you may realize.

Baby Solid Foods by Age 8 to 10 Months

Baby solid foods by age: 8 to 10 months

This is the time to begin to offer your baby foods that you can take with your fingers, so you can practice how to feed him.

Signs that are ready to eat solid food and you can take with your fingers
  • You can hold your head up alone.
  • You can sit well in his high chair to eat.
  • It is able to make chewing motions.
  • Shows interest in food.
  • You can close your mouth around a spoon.
  • You can move the tongue from side to side but is losing the extrusion reflex of the tongue, that is, the reflection of pushing his tongue out of his mouth all that is solid.
  • Take things with thumb and index finger (or pinch object).
  • You can transfer things from one hand to the other.
  • It takes everything in their mouths.
  • It has begun to mimic chewing, moving the jaw from side to side.

Foods you can give

Breast milk: about 3 to 5 times a day. Either formula: about 4 to 5 bottles of 5 to 6 ounces (147-177 ml) daily. In addition to:
  • Bits pasteurized soft cheese or cottage cheese. If you wonder why those dairy products may be given to a child much earlier than cow's milk (which should not be introduced to the baby's diet until 12 months of age), it is because the culture processes used to make the manufacture easier to digest milk protein and reduce the amounts of lactose.
  • Iron fortified cereals (rice, barley, oats, wheat or various mixtures).
  • Fruits and ground as bananas, peaches (peaches), pears, avocado (avocado), cooked carrots, squash (zucchini), potatoes (potatoes) or sweet potatoes (sweet potato) vegetables.
  • Food you can make with your fingers (dry O-shaped cereal low in sugar, pieces of lightly toasted bread pieces of ripe banana, well-cooked spiral pasta, special teething biscuits).
  • Small amounts of protein foods such as eggs, mashed red meat and poultry and fish without spines. You can also offer vegetable purees which have thin skin, such as lentils, peas and black beans.

How much to eat per day

  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup of dairy products a day (or 1/2 ounce of cheese)
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup of iron-fortified cereal
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup of fruit
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of vegetables 
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup protein foods.

Other tips

Enter the new food with three days apart from each other. Thus, if your little one has an allergic reaction you may realize.

The 10 Best Foods to Start with Solid Food

From 6 to 8 months of age your baby can start eating foods or creamy mashed fine to start their solid diet gradually and for the period between 8 and 10 months can start small pieces added to food to finish the transition to solid food per year of age. Anyway, you're the only one who can decide when to start the transition, because breast feeding can be extended for longer and baby offering unique benefits.

It is where; you know what the top 10 foods are:

1. Squash

Also called squash and pumpkin is rich in vitamins A and C and is a favorite for moms to start the transition to solid food meal, can be served with parmesan cheese baked way porridge or thick creams with splash of milk, sweet flavor and creamy texture is welcomed by small family.

2. Lentils

These are rich in protein and iron, can be served cooked and mixed with vegetables or rice and mushy.

3. Tangerines

Source of vitamin C, is an ideal food for your baby because you can peel, separate their wedges and remove the seeds for your baby to take with your hands and eat slowly to cool off on hot days. Another refreshing for hot days and cool gums when teething fruit milk is the pin, cut the seeded cubes for your baby to take them with her hands.

4. Chickpeas

These grains rich in fiber and protein for its mild flavor can be prepared in different ways, porridge or puree with a drizzle of olive oil and sesame butter, or mixed with diced boiled pumpkin to eat with their own little hands.

5. Leafy greens

Some of them are Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, watercress and spinach, can serve them sauteed with butter, mixed with vegetables or gratin, their contributions to iron the body of your little will be very beneficial.

6. Broccoli

Known for children as "green trees" is one of the most calcium-rich foods and fiber that can give your baby to transition to solid food, serve them boiled and drizzled with a little olive oil to your baby begins to enjoy them.

7. Prunes

Another ally rich in fiber will help your baby to prevent ailments such as constipation and pain at not being able to do their basic needs, can serve them soaked and mixed with other fruits to enjoy their soft textures.

8. Beef

Some mother’s think that is a very heavy for her small stomach food, but actually is rich in iron and zing, and can be eaten from 7 months ground or in stews accompanied by other vegetables.

9. Blueberries

They capture the attention of babies immediately by its blue color, are very beneficial for the eyes wild fruits, urinary tract, brain. 1 cup serving cold after cooking these with 1 cup of water in the microwave.

10. Avocado

Rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fats or similar to those found in breast milk fats are good fats, can give your baby avocado puree, leaving small pieces to feel its texture and served with bread in their lunches.

Some mothers wonder what foods are best suited for this transition in the stomach gets used to his little more than liquid, because the best way to select is on the premise of offering variety of flavors for your baby to get used to them from an early age and get the nutrients needed for proper growth and nutrition.

These mentioned foods can serve as a guide to start, but the idea is to wait three days to introduce new food in your diet and so sure you have no allergic reactions, the options are numerous and you can go testing them one by one.

Baby Solid Foods by Age 6 to 8 Months

Signs that are ready to eat solid foods

You probably already have begun to notice signs that your baby is ready to start eating solid foods. And it is that these signs are most noticeable around 6 months. It is also quite possible that your baby is already eating solid foods.

Here is a list of signals that you must be careful to start or continue with solid foods. But keep in mind that it is likely that your baby does not do all these things:
  • You can hold your head up alone.
  • You can sit well in his high chair to eat.
  • It is able to make chewing motions.
  • Shows interest in food.
  • You can close your mouth around a spoon
  • You can move the tongue from side to side but is losing the extrusion reflex of the tongue, that is, the reflection of pushing his tongue out of his mouth all that is solid.

In addition to your baby present these signs, it is essential you have the approval of the pediatrician to start feeding your baby solid foods.

Foods you can give
  • Breast milk: about 4 to 6 times a day. Either formula: about 4 to 5 bottles 6 to 8 ounces (178-237 ml) of formula per day. In addition to:
  • Iron-fortified cereals (rice, barley or oats).
  • Porridge or mashed fruits like banana, pear, peach (peach) or applesauce.
  • Porridge or mashed vegetables like avocado, cooked carrots, squash or sweet potato (sweet potato).
  • Pureed meat (chicken, pork or beef).
  • Small amounts of unsweetened yogurt (but do not give cow's milk until age one) or cottage cheese. If you wonder why these dairy products can be given to a child much earlier than cow's milk (which should not be introduced to the baby's diet until 12 months of age), it is because the culture processes used to make the manufacture easier to digest milk protein and reduce the amounts of lactose.


Pureed vegetables such as peas and lentils. Also different types of beans like, red, black eye and faba.

How much to eat per day
-   Between 3 and 9 tablespoons of cereal a day, 2 or 3 meals.
-   Both fruits as vegetables, you can start with small amounts, such as a teaspoon, and gradually increase the amount gradually to give 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fruit and vegetables every day, in 2 or 3 meals.

It is very important not to overfeed your child. Keep in mind that your baby, he alone will determine when it will be satisfied or full. That is, your small stomach determines the amount of food you need. In addition, and for your peace of mind, regular visits to the pediatrician you can confirm whether your baby is growing properly.

It is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations in all that relates to feeding your child.

Other tips 
  • Enter the new food with three days apart from each other. Thus, if your little one has an allergic reaction you may realize.
  • Read more tips here on how to introduce solid foods.

Baby Solid Foods by Age 4 to 6 Months

Signs that are ready to eat solid foods

Around 6 months, you will probably begin to notice signs that your baby is ready to start eating solid foods. Here is a list of signals that you must be careful. However, keep in mind that it is likely that your baby does not do all these things:
  • You can hold your head up alone.
  • You can sit well in his high chair to eat.
  • It is able to make chewing motions
  • It shows a significant weight gain (it has doubled the weight he had at birth).
  • Shows interest in food.
  • You can close your mouth when you introduce a spoon in his mouth.
  • You can move the tongue from side to side but is losing the extrusion reflex of the tongue, that is, the reflection of pushing his tongue out of his mouth all that is solid.
  • It seems that your baby is still hungry even when you feed daily between 6-8 times with breast milk or about 40 ounces of formula (1118 ml).

They are teething.

Keep in mind that one of the causes of childhood obesity, which is common among Latino children, is stop breastfeeding too soon and introduce solid foods before 6 months. Therefore, before introducing them to the diet of your baby, check with the doctor and make sure your baby shows more of the above signals.

Foods you can give

Breast milk or formula. In addition to:
  • Porridge or pureed foods as sweet potatoes (sweet potato), pumpkin, apple, banana, peach (peach) and pear. Or, semi iron-fortified cereal.

How much to eat per day

- To begin, give about a teaspoon of porridge or cereal. Mix 4-5 teaspoons of breast milk or formula with cereal (the consistency is very liquid).
- Increases and starts to give a large spoonful of porridge or cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, twice a day. If you give cereal, you can go gradually thicken consistency (what you can achieve if you add less liquid), but try to be easy to swallow.

Other tips 
- If by giving your baby cereal for the first time, does not accept it, wait a few days before offering it again.
- Read more tips here on how to introduce solid foods.


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