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Learn to feed your baby from 6 months

During the first six months of life, children should receive breast milk as the only food and all moms have enough to feed their young milk. If you feel you do not fill them, only they have to offer the breast more often: a greater suction increased production.

If breast milk with formula combines the mother gradually stop producing milk, because instead of the baby suckles the breast (and thus produce more milk) will suck from a bottle. In addition, children who take formula milk bottle can get to eat more food than they need and becoming overweight or obese.

Breast milk reduces risk of many diseases, such as obesity. To prevent it, the mother must also teach good eating habits for your baby, from six months of life, when you start to introduce other foods besides breast milk:

- Use natural foods. No industrialized. 
- Food should be prepared with extreme hygiene. 
- Enter one food at a time, giving small nibble for two or three days to know your tolerance. 
- Do not mix food because if one falls ill, you will not know what it was. 
- If there is a history of food allergies in parents or relatives it is convenient to citrus fruits, fish, eggs, whole milk and nuts after the first year of life. 
- No condiments or you add sugar or salt. The baby is so used to the natural flavor of food. 
- Offer him the semi-solid food and later breast milk first. 
- As the child grows offer him more food and gradually reduces the amount of breast milk. 
- Start with porridge; when the first teeth erupt, offer finely chopped and a year-old food into small pieces. 
- Form good habits and set fixed times for food consumption 
- At 12 months it must be integrated into the family diet. 
- Use appropriate tools, according to the size of the child. 
- Offer him or natural unsweetened fruit water. 
- Wash your hands and wash your child before feeding. 
- Give him a chance to start eating only from 9 months. 
- Favors the use of the cup or glass (best move from breast to cup and never use a bottle). 
- Avoid industrialized food. Instead give fruit, yogurt, gelatin, etc. 

With all these tips, we are sure that your baby will love their food and get used to it. And you, do you have a method to give the first foods to your baby?

How do I get my baby to bottle

How do I get my baby to bottle?

Many parents today are always wondering how do I get my baby to bottle. It's actually a question that has many answers but in this interesting article I'll give you the best answer. For this I want you to pay close attention and take note of all the recommendations which I will mention.

The bottle is critical for children over 7 months of age, because at that age may consume more milk. Therefore, it is it costs a lot to give the baby the bottle because he is used to suck the breast of the mother. So stop and useful to examine how I get my baby to bottle? Because here you will find the answer.

* Before you give the milk in the bottle to your baby is highly recommended that you stop playing for a moment the bottle. But always try to get a bottle of milk is given the father, so that avoid your little feel your closeness.

* A little baby when hungry begins to mourn and at the time is perfect to give you the bottle. When you give your baby a bottle when he is hungry he will not reject it, because it will be the only power source.

* Another way to give the bottle to a baby is when you have a full stomach, because then the baby will think it's a toy and try to experience it. Many young babies reject the bottle because they prefer breast milk mom.

* Do not force your toddler to grip the bottle or suck because he thinks that in some medicine. It is better to give them joy and you should always tell when they're given the bottle.

* Do not have your breasts discovered that the baby can see them and DISIDA reject the milk bottle. It is therefore recommended that in the early days of her dad a bottle and so avoid reject.

* When you give for the first time not fills the bottle with milk it is better than you give with boiled water. It will be easier to accept and drink it immediately.

* You can also give the bottle when your little child is sleeping in his crib or bed.

* It is always recommended that milk or water bottle is warm, not hot, and much warmer.

Give the baby bottle is crucial because it promotes the physical and psychological development in the best way. It is important to mention to you buy or use a bottle to suit the needs of your baby. It is also advised that you use a bottle that has a striking design and be cheerful color.

How to Make Baby Food

Tips for preparing the first meal of baby

At 6 months old babies are already larger and begin to need more nutrients in addition to breast milk. Just at this age the baby can identify flavors, textures and temperatures. It is also here when your stomach, kidneys, intestines and other organs are prepared to digest and take the food.

The first thing you can offer your baby is typical of the island banana crushed. It has a nice flavor and texture and is easily digested. The first few days will try to finish large amounts of food, just get used to eat like the older, remember that they are accustomed to a liquid food.

The next thing to remember is that your meals have to be very thick, should not give soups or creamed vegetables, even if they contain liquefied meat or cereals. The consistency of the slurry must be to a puree otherwise take to accept the new food texture.

Do not blend and strain food, mash with a fork. Fraying or chop the meat into very small pieces.
Use for baby food, the same foods that used for the rest of the family, just separates them before enhances them. Do not add to meals babies’ salt. Their sodium requirements are already covered with milk and natural sodium from foods.

Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in the dish served raw baby. If you can use different types of oils (olive, sunflower, nuts) even better. Crude oil provides the extra energy it needs for its growth as well as for brain development.

Do not offer fried or jellies and other sweets. Try to avoid processed foods and foods that cause gas (cabbage, onions). Do not coffee, tea or soda. Also avoid the egg white until year of life, like fish.

Do not eat alone. Babies react better if they see that eating is a habit we all practice together.
Depending on the weather and physical activity a baby of seven months, it may take a 100-130 ml of water per day. Not much needs because breast milk still gives liquid. You should not take the liquid along with their food, as their tummy is still very small. You should allow about 2 hours between food and fluid or breast milk.


A: Squash, carrots, spinach, chard
B: potato, sweet potato, cassava, mica
C: Quinoa, wheat, pasta, rice, semolina, moron, corn, amaranth, corn starch, potato starch
D: Lentils, beans, peas, soybeans
E: Liver, chicken, beef, turkey, sangrecita, mondonguito

1) A + C + D + E
2) A + B + C + E

Add 1 teaspoon of oil to the dish served.
Milk used to make porridge.

Baby Food Recipes 6 months to 10 months

Baby Food Recipes 6 months

The ideas to feed your baby are exhausted?
Delicious recipes for your baby: from 6 to 10 months

We present several ideas for your baby does not get bored with the same dishes as usual, and also will help you to grow healthy and healthy.

Just remember to take into account the age of your baby and consult your doctor if you are allergic to certain foods.

Pear and apple compote

(For babies over 6 months)

100 g of water pear
100 g of apple
1 teaspoon honey
A squeeze of lemon
Cook the fruit with lemon on the indicated water until soft. Add the honey, mix well and go through the blender.

Mashed vegetables

(For babies from 6 months)

1 potato of about 75 gr.
2 carrots, approx. 125 gr.
A teaspoon of olive oil
50 cc of formula
Cook the potatoes and carrots with a little water and olive oil. Drain and then whisk in the blender, add milk.

Chicken with vegetables

(For babies 6 to 8 months)

40 grams of cooked skinless chicken
1 medium carrot
4 or 5 green beans
Clean and cut the vegetables into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan with water to just cover them cook for 30 minutes over low heat. Watch the water; at the end of cooking should be very little. Spend the vegetables with the chicken broth and diced by the blender.

Fish with tarragon

(For babies 6 to 8 months)

50 g trout or other white fish, filleted and boned
150 g zucchini
3 leaves of tarragon
1 dash of olive oil
Cook the fish, the chopped zucchini and tarragon with a little oil and very little water for 15 minutes, until the zucchini is tender. Happens the entire blender.

Chicken apple

(For babies 8 to 10 months)

40 grams of cooked skinless chicken
½ apples
1 teaspoon butter
Cook the apple (without skin and seeds) for 20 minutes. Chop the chicken and mix with the crushed apple. Add the butter or margarine with some salt.

Baby Finger Foods

Finger food is not only fun for your baby, but also it is an important step towards independence, which also helps develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Playing with food, your baby will get dirty and stain everything that is around you, but do not wipe too soon: I let you enjoy this important practical learning experience.

When should I introduce foods that you can eat only with your hands?

When your baby is 8 to 9 months of age, you are probably ready to start feed himself. I will show you taking the spoon with which you are giving to eat or grabbing food off your plate.

At first, your baby will probably take the food with all the hand and take you to the mouth, but soon learn to use your thumb and index fingers to make the food. In this fine motor skill, which is an important stage of its development, it is called "pincer grasp".

How should I introduce foods that are eaten with the fingers?

Simply put four or five bits of food on the tray of his high chair or an unbreakable dish. You can add more as your baby will go eating.

Feed your toddler in a high chair and not in his baby seat for the car or in his stroller reduces the risk of choking and teach that the high chair is the place where you eat.

What foods are the best for my baby to feed herself?

It is possible that your baby has a good appetite, but probably does not have many teeth, so start with foods that can "chew" with gum or easily dissolve in your mouth. When little older, you can give pieces of whatever you're eating.

Remember that your baby is learning about the taste, texture, color and aroma of the food to eat alone, so try to offer a variety of foods. Resist the temptation to give your baby sweet foods like cookies and cake or high-fat snacks such as chips ("chips" or "chips"). Your baby needs foods that are nutrient dense. Avoid giving foods that have empty calories (i.e. foods high in calories but very poor in nutrients).

The food must be easy to handle, but not present a risk of suffocation. Vegetables should be cooked so that they are sufficiently soft and easy to eat. In addition everything should be cut into tiny pieces. Even a whole grape is great for your baby now and could present a choking hazard.

And be sure to choose appropriate food for their age. Experts used to recommend that you avoid certain foods give very young children, which could cause allergies. These include eggs, fish and products containing peanuts (or peanut) are included.

However, recent research from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP for its acronym in English), they found no evidence that the early introduction of these foods cause allergies in infants. (But keep in mind that you should not give peanut butter to your baby, because its sticky consistency can make it difficult for a baby to swallow without choking).

Despite the recommendation of the AAP, some doctors recommend to be careful when introducing solid foods to your baby. If you suspect baby may be allergic to certain foods, introduce one food at a time and let it take several days before introducing each new food. It is essential that you be expecting an allergic reaction.

Here's a list of favorite foods to take with your fingers:

·         - Toasted oat cereal O-shaped or other cereal that is low in sugar.
·         - Bits of lightly toasted bread (slathered with pureed vegetables to contain more vitamins).
·         - Bits of banana or other ripe peeled and pitted, like mango, plum, peach (peach), pear, watermelon or cantaloupe fruit.
·         - Cubes of tofu or bean curd (soybean).
·         - Bits of cooked spiral pasta.
·         - Very small pieces of soft pasteurized cheese.
·         - Chopped hard-boiled egg.
·         - Cooked and mashed prunes.
·         - Bits of cooked vegetables such as carrots, peas (peas), squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes (yams, sweet potatoes).
·         - "Trees" small, well cooked, broccoli or cauliflower.
·         - Pieces the size of a pea (pea) cooked chicken or some other meat cooked soft.


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