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Proper Nutrition During Childhood

Proper childhood, food makes over time our children have a better quality of life and wellbeing.

It is proven by pediatricians and specialists that children who eat well are more likely to get good grades and better school performance.

Proper nutrition for children is essential at all stages of life but there is no doubt that children are particularly important. According to Psychology Center for Emotional Well, children who maintain a balanced diet from the start, are more likely to be good students in the future.

Proper Nutrition During Childhood

The correct and complete feed growing children, is an important thing, especially if you consider that 40% of Spanish children have problems when eating. Although in some cases they are due to health problems, most of the time is, according to the specialist, a way for the child to get attention.

To combat this problem, and take a daily proper nutrition in children psychologist advised not to extend too much food, but put the plate on the table, wait 20 to 40 minutes and, once past this time, other activity, regardless whether you have eaten or not.

It is not advisable to distract the child through games, songs, TV shows, etc, to eat, because, in this way, obesity promotes in the future, by not allowing the child to learn to detect the feeling of satiety .

Eating healthy is important in children is not advisable at meals add nutritional supplements or stimulants, to keep the memory in good shape and prevent cognitive decline, the best strategy is to follow a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables , cereals, preferably whole, and healthy fats. This is the conclusion that has been reached.

With healthy eating you can have a good brain health, experts recommend consuming privates acids Omega 3, found in foods such as oily fish (salmon, tuna ...) and some nuts such as, walnuts.

Moreover we have, when meals are stretched more than desirable. We have a proper diet but our son takes forever to finish every bite, we enter a situation that often is hard to leave. In these cases, it may be useful to change strategy. Meals should not be extended for more than 30 minutes. If this time is exceeded child has not yet finished, the plate will be removed.

It is important to eat healthy children, and uncover the reasons why you do not eat. It is possible, for example, have a habit of snacking (biscuits, juices, yogurt ...), costing you get used to new tastes or want to draw the attention of their parents.

Another advice for healthy eating in children, is that if there is problem with a particular food, can be mixed with others who do you like, at first in small amounts to increase them later as you get used to the taste. Parents should always show a positive attitude to food. No use or as a reward or punishment and to ensure that there is a good atmosphere for lunch.

These are undoubtedly the best advice we can give Food for babies, children and adolescents. Never forget, food is the foundation for good child development and better school performance.
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