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Fun Recipes for Babies

Fun recipes for babies

Fun Recipes for Babies
Image : http://www.flickr.com/photos/sanutri/

It is important, especially when the child begins to eat himself, offer simple meals, but nutritious and provide vitamins and minerals needed for proper development. It is paramount that the child begins to eat healthy and learn about a variety of healthy dietary habits, with predominantly fruits and vegetables, grains and dairy, but where proteins and carbohydrates start to also have a place stage important in the diet of the child.

We call your attention to food prepared with a variety of color, forming shapes and easy to eat for him, such as fruit salad, vegetable purees, fresh cheese, steamed vegetables, chicken fillets, cooked fish or omelets French to name a few.

Some of the healthy and fun dishes can include the following:

Forest mushroom

You can add two tablespoons of peas on a plate, place a potato cooked on them and as a means that tomato; cheese Philadelphia painting a moon to form a tomato and mushroom funny forest.

Sailing boat

Take half a papaya that is not too big and cut it in half, emptied all his flesh, leaving only the shell and washing well placed inside pumpkin puree or leek or vegetable you want, click a stick of bread and use a slice of cheese or ham candle mode.

Figures fruit and gelatin

Using molds, you can cut different shapes of fruit or jelly and make a very nutritious salad in different ways.

Birds nest

Cook spaghetti and overwhelm a dish in circular form so that resemble straw nest and placed among them two meatballs of chicken, beef or vegetable flesh, which the can place a beak with a piece of carrot and olive slices, make eyes.

Skewers of colors

In a few sticks skewers, you can switch cubes of fruit, such as strawberries, banana, peach, apple, pear, interspersing properly.

Recipes: Paps and Creams for Your Baby

Recipes: Paps and creams for your baby

Feeding your baby
is very important to you, as being small and being in such a young age you should feed him well and know how to combine food and nutrients so that he lacks nothing.

But ... many mothers, especially first-time, do not know what their babies when they should prepare and start eating porridge, creams or any kind of solid.

That is why here we show you some porridge and cream recipes that you can prepare your toddler or baby. They try to prepare at home.





- 30 grams Chicken breast

- 1/2 block

- 1 tablespoon olive oil



Wash, peel and cut the apple into pieces, do not forget to remove the apple seeds. Now, put a steaming for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, grill the chicken breast, chopped apple and mix with crushed. If you want you can have olive oil to add flavor, but no.





- 50 grams of strawberry

- A tablespoon of olive oil

- 90 grams whole meal


In a saucepan place 90 grams of water and add the semolina slowly. Stir everything well until mixture boils. Remove from heat and let stand for a few minutes for the meal to absorb all the liquid.

Meanwhile, wash the strawberries and cut into small pieces. Put the fruit and olive oil to porridge or creams and wraps everything all together.


Oatmeal cream

Oatmeal cream


- 80 grams oatmeal

- 100 grams baby milk

- 1/2 sweet apple


Wash, peel and cut up the apple. Now, add the apple milk and oatmeal. Let simmer for half an hour. When you see a creamy, remove from heat homogeneous mass is formed. Wait for it to cool to serving it to your baby.




- 1 potato

- 1 carrot

- 1 tablespoon olive oil

- 2 teaspoons cream of corn

- 1 piece of zucchini


Wash and cut the vegetables into small pieces, cook in boiling water for about 30 minutes. Strain them and press them through the potato until it forms a puree. Now, seasoned with olive oil and add the cream corn. Remove all.

PAP Toast

PAP Toast


- 200 ml. baby milk.

- 3 slices of bread.

- A piece of melon.



First, you toast the bread and cut by hand into small pieces. Now, put the bread in a bowl or pot and pour the hot milk over. Finally, add the melon previously washed and cut into tiny pieces.

So you know what you can feed your baby. Porridges and creams are perfect for you to eat healthily also be super easy to prepare recipes.

Do not forget to take your child to the pediatrician so that he or she can also guide you in feeding your baby.

The First Baby Food Jars

The First Baby Food Jars

When you go to choose and buy the first baby food jars, make sure it meets all the vitamins and nutrients needed for growth of the baby. There are many trademarks, ask your doctor which one is the most recommended.
first baby food jars


Food is essential in the development of our baby is therefore important to be able to feed and eat everything to be in good shape in the future and prevent possible diseases that will be given during the growth.

The jars are key in feeding the small and all baby food shelves of a supermarket or specialty store, we can find without problem some. However, many mothers have doubts about when it will be the ideal for baby food to your baby in this publication so we give you some tips so you know which the right time now is.

At six months of age when they start out the first teeth and until we see them two and a half years. This point will help us to know when is the right time when we have to give the baby food because it has this old baby is fed on porridge and purees, basically.

Why it is good to give a baby jars?

The jars are ideal for a nutritional balance in the diet of our little one. The contents of a jar is loaded with minerals, protein and a good supply of vitamins that come in just measures and, last but not least, spend quality controls rigorous who do we have confidence in giving them as food base for our small .

As mentioned above, whenever we go to buy baby food have to have some details into account such as what is done the same and age that is marked on the back, as some are made for babies with higher age range and others a little less.

It is also good that our baby goes making vegetable cream flavors and the like so that in the future, is not so complicated that eat fruit and vegetables when you begin eating solid foods.

With the first baby food jars, you make it more familiar with the different flavors and textures of food, at first there are children that certain foods are not palatable to him, and others love it, but it's a matter of time.

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Baby Food from 18 Months

Baby food from 18 months

Want to know what the best food for the baby are after 18 months. Babies from our blog we tell you all the details. When you offer a variety of healthy foods, you can help your child to develop a preference for foods rich in nutrients that will establish themselves in him as he grows into adulthood and reduce the risk of obesity throughout life.
Baby Food from 18 Months

Adequate food for 18 months

Around 18 months of age, the skills of self-feeding of children have improved and may be able to use your own spoon; it will be important to keep a regular schedule of meals.

Fruits and vegetables

Try to give your baby fruits and vegetables every day; Choose peaches, bananas, citrus, pears and apples from fruit and choose vegetables like carrots, peas, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, cut into small pieces that are easier to eat, and occasionally offer starts peeled nuts and very games with yogurt to prevent choking.


Your child needs two to three servings of dairy a day, like yogurt, milk, cheese and curd. Until it is two years old, whole milk is needed, because the fat and calories are important for brain development and growth. Although you can include in your diet drinks of plant origin, such as soy milk, rice or almond, which provide a good nutrient content.

Whole Grains

Your child needs whole grains every day, either breakfast or lunch, such as oats, rice or barley among others. At meals you can offer wheat pasta, like spaghetti or macaroni, which will bring a good dose of fiber.


You also need to provide two servings of protein a day, either chopped meat and poultry, eggs or fish without spines, which are good sources of protein.

If you want to know what is the basic food for young infants, we recommend you read our article "Food for babies from 7 months"

What do you think these foods to your baby from 18 months?

Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Even if your child is allergic to any of the following foods you should not worry because you can always find alternatives that meet the needs of the child.

The foods that cause allergic reactions in children are: 

Foods That Can Cause Allergy Baby

Cow's milk

Actually, it is not milk, but their proteins (milk and serum). The reaction occurs between 3-6 months and since the first shots. The main nutritional value of milk is those excellent biological value proteins and calcium. But calm, because in the market there based formulas adapted to highly hydrolyzed proteins (considered hypoallergenic) and basic milk (fragmented protein amino acids), which cover the needs of the child.

You can also opt for dairy milks such as soy or almond, which contains similar nutrients to the cow and is well accepted by children for their taste. Other valid options are rice milk, corn or millet. On the other hand, if you're worried about calcium intake keep in mind that there are many foods with equal or superior to those of milk, such as green leafy vegetables and legumes quantities.

They are equivalent in calcium to half a glass of milk: 50 g 100 g spinach or chard and watercress, 50 g of beans or chickpeas 110 g, 2 canned sardines, 20 almonds or hazelnuts or 3 figs.

Pay attention to the labels of processed meats such as ham or bologna, sausages, packet soups, cereals, pasta, pastries, ice cream, milk shakes or chocolate, since they may contain milk.


The allergic reaction occurs from the first intake, to 10-12 months. High protein, egg contains iron, vitamins (especially group B), calcium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. If your child can not take it, I replace it with 80-100 g of meat, fish or poultry. Legumes are also good substitutes, so you can choose 80 g (crude), peas, lentils or chickpeas. Care to buy cakes, packet soups, ice cream and sausages as they can carry egg.

Fish and seafood

Equivalent to egg nutrients, you can replace them with similar amounts of meat, poultry or vegetable. Take two eggs per 100 g of fish and shellfish is another option.


Its basic nutritional intake equivalent to egg, meat, poultry or fish, so you can give your child some 100 g of these or a couple of eggs, rather than a dish of vegetables.


Rosaceae are called (apple, pear, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, strawberry) and citrus causing the most allergic reactions. On the other hand, increased consumption of exotic fruits triggered reactions to fruits like kiwi and avocado. Just avoid responsible for allergy and choose other for fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits

Walnut, chestnut, peanut and hazelnut are responsible for most allergies. But its contribution of fatty acids and minerals can be supplemented with egg, meat, poultry or fish. Pay attention to the labels of sauces, desserts, chocolate and pastries, because they may contain traces.


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