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Proper Nutrition During Childhood

Proper childhood, food makes over time our children have a better quality of life and wellbeing.

It is proven by pediatricians and specialists that children who eat well are more likely to get good grades and better school performance.

Proper nutrition for children is essential at all stages of life but there is no doubt that children are particularly important. According to Psychology Center for Emotional Well, children who maintain a balanced diet from the start, are more likely to be good students in the future.

Proper Nutrition During Childhood

The correct and complete feed growing children, is an important thing, especially if you consider that 40% of Spanish children have problems when eating. Although in some cases they are due to health problems, most of the time is, according to the specialist, a way for the child to get attention.

To combat this problem, and take a daily proper nutrition in children psychologist advised not to extend too much food, but put the plate on the table, wait 20 to 40 minutes and, once past this time, other activity, regardless whether you have eaten or not.

It is not advisable to distract the child through games, songs, TV shows, etc, to eat, because, in this way, obesity promotes in the future, by not allowing the child to learn to detect the feeling of satiety .

Eating healthy is important in children is not advisable at meals add nutritional supplements or stimulants, to keep the memory in good shape and prevent cognitive decline, the best strategy is to follow a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables , cereals, preferably whole, and healthy fats. This is the conclusion that has been reached.

With healthy eating you can have a good brain health, experts recommend consuming privates acids Omega 3, found in foods such as oily fish (salmon, tuna ...) and some nuts such as, walnuts.

Moreover we have, when meals are stretched more than desirable. We have a proper diet but our son takes forever to finish every bite, we enter a situation that often is hard to leave. In these cases, it may be useful to change strategy. Meals should not be extended for more than 30 minutes. If this time is exceeded child has not yet finished, the plate will be removed.

It is important to eat healthy children, and uncover the reasons why you do not eat. It is possible, for example, have a habit of snacking (biscuits, juices, yogurt ...), costing you get used to new tastes or want to draw the attention of their parents.

Another advice for healthy eating in children, is that if there is problem with a particular food, can be mixed with others who do you like, at first in small amounts to increase them later as you get used to the taste. Parents should always show a positive attitude to food. No use or as a reward or punishment and to ensure that there is a good atmosphere for lunch.

These are undoubtedly the best advice we can give Food for babies, children and adolescents. Never forget, food is the foundation for good child development and better school performance.

Recipes With Baby Cereals

Recipes with baby cereals

When you start giving your baby cereal note these recipes. They are very healthy and your child will love.

Rice porridge and milk


Rice porridge and milk

For babies from 5 months.


- Half cup of rice, 1 cup milk baby

How is it done

To prepare this recipe just you have to boil half a cup of rice (contains gluten) in water and then drain and put it in the bowl of a blender with a glass of milk to take your son. Crushed well to obtain a slurry.

Cream corn


Cream corn


For babies from 5 months.

- One-half cup of corn flour, a glass of milk child.

How is it done

To prepare this delicious recipe you just have to dissolve one-half cup corn flour (contains gluten) in a little milk usually take the child.

Besides, put a half cup of warm milk in a saucepan over medium heat and when it begins to boil incorporates the mix. You must stir constantly to prevent lumps. When you see the texture is thick and smooth, remove from heat.

Mashed macaroni


Mashed macaroni

For babies from 7 months.


Pure vegetable meat without potatoes and a handful of macaroni.

How is it done

Puree vegetables with beef without putting potato. Throw in a handful of macaroni (they are wheat, which contains gluten) and finely ground all in a blender.

Smoothie and cereals


Smoothie and cereals

For babies from 6 months.


1/4 banana, 1/4 apple, 1 orange juice, cereal scoops to taste, optional milk.

How is it done

Thrown into the bowl of the mixer 1/4 banana, 1/4 apple and an orange juice. Shreds everything and adds a scoops of ground cereals until light texture. If you see that it has become a little thick, add a little milk (which usually take your baby).

Semolina pudding and strawberries


Semolina pudding and strawberries

For children from 18 months.


Half a cup of grits (which is what is known as couscous), three or four strawberries and one tablespoon of olive oil.

How is it done

Boil the semolina in half a glass of water for three minutes, remove from heat, cover and let stand five minutes. Add the strawberries thoroughly washed and oil and crushed everything in a blender.

Cream and Pureed for Baby

They are healthy and are very easy to eat for little ones. Discover the keys to your child take them happy.

Cool in summer, warm in winter, cheese, and fruit ... The creams are a good way to introduce new foods in the diet of your child, for its texture and flavor. For example, many children struggle to take the boiled vegetables, but they eat well if crushed and "camouflaged" with little cheese, cream or milk. Or maybe even you ham not you give your child, but you can add one chopped slice in cream and proves it.

Cream and Pureed for Baby

"Another example is pulses. Are a little stronger for children under 2 years, but if you prepare a cream of vegetables pass through the food mill, you do it more digestible, retaining almost all the qualities of the food.

Creamy mashed have the advantage, moreover, that are easy to eat. Prepare to dinner, when your small is more tired, so you will facilitate the work and avoid heavy digestions at bedtime. And if your child is little room, give it as a single dish from time to time. "A vegetable soup with potato, incorporating meat, fish or chopped ham or cooked egg on top, with a little milk contains nutrients of a full meal.

Another tip: do not always do the same thing, changing ingredients to vary not only the flavor but the color. Hazle creams orange (carrots or squash), red (beetroot), white (leek), green (Jewish) ... Children eat through the eyes and those colors will have fun.

As purees, but silky

The cream is similar to puree. The difference is that the mash is boiled vegetables (or more) and crushed with a fork in his broth, or crushed or whipped, while the cream is enriched with some dairy (milk, cream or cheese) or incorporates leek or potato. Texture therefore also different: the mash is more consistent and cream is thinner and silky.

A good idea is to use the child take milk, either breast, then start or until the doctor authorizes the cow. And if you have lactose intolerance, you can replace rice milk or soy.

Keep in mind that although purees (fruits, vegetables ...) can begin to give the baby from 6 months, some creams cannot be introduced until later. For example, wait until the baby is 18 months to give the leading cream and to 12 for those in their preparation require fry food, as this method of cooking is not suitable for babies.

Good ingredients and good preparation

The main thing is based, that is, have good ingredients. Make sure the vegetables are going to use fresh or as advised Graciela Bajraj gourmet, author of "Baby Come" (Editorial Alba), frozen decántate: "This method of conservation in many cases ensures product freshness without subtract properties, especially foods that are not in season. " Second, steamed. "So the vegetables lose fewer nutrients that would otherwise remain in the water, and everything is tastier," Graciela Bajraj recommended.

If the child is older than 1 year can cook these mashed with salt (pediatricians recommend not do before), but shows very little. When you finish boiling, I crush it all in a blender and if you use products that can leave threads or pieces, strain, many children dislike find them on the plate. Finally add the cream cheese (and beat) or milk or cream. Finally you can have a splash of olive oil.

For children up to 3 years a good portion would be about 150 ml, 250 ml or if you want to turn it into one dish.

Guidelines for the Baby to Eat the Fruit with Taste

Guidelines for the baby to eat the fruit with taste

Are you trying to introduce the fruit in the diet of your small and rejects? Do not worry, it's normal, most babies do not like because they are used to take only milk, which has a sweet taste.

So when we include in your diet an acidic food, they reject it. "The sweet and salty flavors are best accepted infants, while the acid fruits along with some bitter vegetables are less pleasing to them," explains Nerea Cenoz, dietitian and nutritionist Nerea Cenoz Nutrition Center in Pamplona.

Guidelines for the Baby to Eat the Fruit with Taste

But the child must take fresh fruit because it gives a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore it is very important not to give up and follow guidelines if it is rejected.

To make the acceptance without delay too long to know the disguise and not force him to eat; otherwise, you'll end up hating the and never want to take it.

"The key to the baby gets used to the fruit and eat it with pleasure lies in stress (for good) and give test many times, and also see that the family eats fruit every day, because Babies love to imitate their elders, "says nutritionist.

For starters, juice

By 5 months of life the baby's digestive system is ready to digest foods other than milk and experts advice starting with fruit juice.

You can offer it to your child mandarin, which is sweeter than the orange, or pear. Check teaspoon the first day and the amount are progressively increased until it reaches take about 10 or 20 ml.

And something important: now you do not offer juice mixtures of various fruits, you have to enter them one at a time. The reason? If the days all together and some you are allergic, you will not know what is.

Moreover, so you immediately see what you like best and which rejected. Many children "are sulky" the orange sour taste, but generally very well tolerated pear, which is not acidic and has a neutral taste.

Then mush

Once accepted the juice you can move to pureed fruit. You must start with a single fruit, such as pear. Once tolerated adds apple, banana and then finally orange.

By giving your child porridge, feel it in your lap, your closeness will bring safety and well better accept the new food. It is important that the environment is quiet and no noise.

You should not be obsessed with him all the porridge; in fact, most babies eat only a few tablespoons at first, but this is enough to go slowly accustomed to this new food.

If your child spits fruit or cries, let two or three days before offering it again and while, try a different fruit.

Fun Recipes for Babies

Fun recipes for babies

Fun Recipes for Babies
Image : http://www.flickr.com/photos/sanutri/

It is important, especially when the child begins to eat himself, offer simple meals, but nutritious and provide vitamins and minerals needed for proper development. It is paramount that the child begins to eat healthy and learn about a variety of healthy dietary habits, with predominantly fruits and vegetables, grains and dairy, but where proteins and carbohydrates start to also have a place stage important in the diet of the child.

We call your attention to food prepared with a variety of color, forming shapes and easy to eat for him, such as fruit salad, vegetable purees, fresh cheese, steamed vegetables, chicken fillets, cooked fish or omelets French to name a few.

Some of the healthy and fun dishes can include the following:

Forest mushroom

You can add two tablespoons of peas on a plate, place a potato cooked on them and as a means that tomato; cheese Philadelphia painting a moon to form a tomato and mushroom funny forest.

Sailing boat

Take half a papaya that is not too big and cut it in half, emptied all his flesh, leaving only the shell and washing well placed inside pumpkin puree or leek or vegetable you want, click a stick of bread and use a slice of cheese or ham candle mode.

Figures fruit and gelatin

Using molds, you can cut different shapes of fruit or jelly and make a very nutritious salad in different ways.

Birds nest

Cook spaghetti and overwhelm a dish in circular form so that resemble straw nest and placed among them two meatballs of chicken, beef or vegetable flesh, which the can place a beak with a piece of carrot and olive slices, make eyes.

Skewers of colors

In a few sticks skewers, you can switch cubes of fruit, such as strawberries, banana, peach, apple, pear, interspersing properly.


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