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Baby-led Weaning: Another Way to Teach Your Baby to Eat

When your baby begins to eat solid foods, you have two options: follow the method of porridges and tables of food introduction; or try the baby-lead weaning or demand feeding increasingly popular. Do you know what it is?

Baby-led Weaning: Another Way to Teach Your Baby to Eat

The baby-led weaning, also known as "self-regulated feed" or "complementary feeding on demand" is a popularized by books like "The child already eats alone" as an alternative to the traditional system of introduction of solid foods method. What he proposes is to dispense with the stage of porridges, purees and food tables and instead start offering your baby food into small pieces to have it in your mouth and learn to feed himself. This is done after six months, when the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding toggle start with the introduction of solid foods.

Do you think something revolutionary? Well, if you think it is not so: according to their proponents claim, this form of start eating is traditional for humans and, in fact, that is still done in countries where not many baby food and food mixers. Instead, mechanically grinding food and give it mixed the baby is "unnatural" for proponents of baby-led weaning, because it forces the baby to get used to some textures and flavors that do not correspond to real food. Who eats potatoes, carrots and green beans all at once, and also crushed?

In fact, we've practiced the baby-led weaning when we give the baby a piece of bread or cracker to suck, or other food to see if you like. It is curious also be noted that, as suggested by some experiments, children eat better when we let them choose those foods that take ...

In this sense, the advantages of baby-led weaning are numerous:

- The Baby learns to eat in a more natural way.
- Explore Real textures and tastes of foods.
- Avoid The cost and effort to prepare baby food for the baby.
- The Baby eats what you need, without obliging him.
- Develop The senses and motor skills.
- Improves communication between baby and parents.
- Integra baby, eating almost the same as others.

However, the disadvantages of baby-lead weaning are also significant:

- at Handling food with their hands, the baby tends to stain everything.
- It's a method that requires patience to keep pace baby.
- There must be careful to avoid the risk of choking.
- It's not suitable for babies with food allergies or intolerances.
- Not all babies adapt to this method of learning.

As always, it is best to use common sense: if you want to try complementary feeding on demand, begins by giving small pieces of food with those who can not choke. Introduce a new food at a time to control if it causes allergic reactions and alternating with breast or bottle to eat enough. And if does not work, do not insist: every baby has its own style and many do better with the traditional method of baby food and purees. Finally, remember to ask any questions concerning feeding your baby with your pediatrician.

What do you think of baby-lead weaning? Do you see good or porridges prefer?

Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography / Freedigitalphotos.net


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